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Chapter Eighteen

When Casper woke that morning James didn’t even stir for a good hour, which Casper thanked God as he used that time to will down his morning wood and cursed the male anatomy because this was his life right now. Couldn’t he just have a day off this once? James actually was so dead to the world Casper had to keep checking that he was still alive has he waited, not that he minded that much – okay maybe not the first twenty minutes when his stomach was still asleep but seriously, who could still sleep when his stomach was doing Godzilla impressions? It was madness – because he got to lay there in total blissful happiness.

James had rolled over during the night so they were facing each other, their legs tangled and arms around each other’s waists. Casper couldn’t help but feel how easy this was, how right it felt. He took in James’ face, the way the slight morning sunlight caught his eyelashes making them almost gold and the small snuffles he made through his nose. His red hair was fading slightly at the top, a few brown roots emerging for his scalp. Casper then closed his eyes and just felt the warmth that their two bodies created and the sense of newly awaken intimacy that Casper was given with just that.

Of course, Casper ended up getting bored, and slightly anxious, so shook James awake after a while.

“James, c’mon,” Casper whined.”I can’t go anywhere when you’re all over me and still asleep, I need a piss.”

James groaned, letting him go and turning away, shoving his face into the pillow.

Casper huffed and got up to go to the bathroom. When he got back James was waiting on him, sleepy green eyes finding his blue ones as soon as he returned through the bed room door, he shimmed a little and pulled the covers over invitingly with a arched brow but a smile playing at his lips. Casper rolled his eyes but jumped in all the same causing a yelp out of James. Casper laughed into the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around him.

“Ugh, cold hands,” James complained making Casper grinned and rake his hands all over his back because he was a little shit and James told him as much as he wriggled against him.

They lay there, breathing and James playing with the ends of his hair until he suddenly laughed,” your hair is really weird looking when it isn’t straight.”

“Shut up,” Casper complained knowing how bad his hair looked, and it was a wonder why he spent so much time in the morning straightening his stupid hair that defied gratify once wet. “Not everyone can have perfect hair all the time.” James had a perfect everything all the goddamn time.

“Well I think it’s cute,” James commented softly, nuzzling into it and then laughed again when Casper’s stomach roared. He started to shift,” c’mon we’ll go get breakfast.”

“Finally!” Casper exclaimed but couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed when they both untangled themselves from each other to go downstairs.

“Morning mum!” James called when there was a distinct clang of pans.

“Dear Lord what got you up this early, James,” Casper heard James’ mother from the kitchen as they came through the living room.

“This sadist right here,” James thumbed behind him to Casper but with a fond smile.

James’ mother poked her head out of the kitchen with a wide smile when she saw Casper standing awkwardly with wide eyes,” Hello, Casper dear. We were going to wake both of you on the couch when we came in late last night, a friend’s party you see, but you both looked so peaceful so we let you be, didn’t we, Harry?” She turned to her husband who was sitting on one of the breakfast bars. Casper heard a “hmm” and the rustle of a newspaper being turned as a reply.”Do you boys want breakfast? Bacon and eggs? Bacon sandwich? Just bacon ?

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