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Chapter 22

Casper woke up with barely any light seeping through his window. He had never gotten into the habit of closing his blinds, his mother was always nagging on at him for it, and had unconsciously took in an accurate way of guessing the time judging just by how much his room was lit up just from his window. He could tell right then that it was early, early than most school days he woke at no matter how much his mum joked he was an early riser and how much James complained about the same thing from under the pillow as he urged him, chirpy and awake.

Still, it was too early and Casper groaned, snuggling into his bed more only to pause at the feeling on another body still pressed against his, the warmth almost overwhelming as it caught up with his disorientated state and he smiled at the soft, sleepy breaths emitted from his boyfriend, still all limbs tangled in his own and still partially naked.

Casper remembered what had happened last night and he smiled wider, edged closer as much as he dared without waking up the taller boy who groaned in his sleep at the movement but didn't wake.

Casper stared at him, feeling like a creep, but not giving a fuck. James was too pretty for his own good with his eyelashes and his hair and his perfectly structured face down to his abs. Not to mention he was good at everything so it was nice that last night Casper had made him lose control. Casper had been in charge but at the same time his equal. It had felt great, the rush of pleasuring him, of James shaking beneath him for Casper and calling out his name in ecstasy.

It was exhilarating and he felt closer to James the way he never had before. It was somehow more intimate now - more serious. As if he was looking at James from a new prospective and seeing all of him. It was sort of scary in a way, that was only their first time and Casper felt this open about James. He could only imagine what it would feel like if they did it again, went even further.

Casper trailed his finger on James' chest, feeling the bumps and dips on his torso, circling his nipples with care.

"This is edging on somniphilia, Cas." James mumbled. Casper yelped slightly snatching his hand away and his cheeks blazing red as he saw James awake, watching him from sleepy slits. James smirked lazily at Casper's reaction and pulling him in even closer so Casper's head dipped into his collar bone, his skin oddly soft and fresh feeling.

"In your dreams," Casper countered, cringing a little as the comeback was just as bad as the 'your mum' jokes.

"I think that's the whole point actually," James breezed, teasing," me being asleep, dreaming, while you take advantage of my position with your sick, sick needs-"

Casper pinched him to shut him up and James gave out a pained laugh into Casper's wild hair.

The two boys lay in silence for a while, taking in the quiet, the only sound being of the morning birds chirping happily outside while the world stirred awake slowly to the rising sun that lit the room up a light yellow.

"You know I was half expecting it to suck and be totally awkward afterwards?" James confessed suddenly, breaking the silence and was almost too loud in the quiet of the room, bouncing off the walls and echoing around Casper's ears.

"What made you think that?" Casper asked, a slight defence building up in his chest. Sure he had expected the same thing, mostly on himself, but it still sort of hurt and touched at his pride a little.

"Because my first ever experience was fucking awful," James laughed." And with you, it's like entirely different - new, even. I mean - you're a guy for starters. I had no idea how to... you know. And you were a virgin so I didn't want to-"

"How'd you know I was a virgin?" Casper demanded with a frown.

James turned and gave a pointed look.

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