Chapter 13: Countdown

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"It happened before, a hundred years ago." I said to Segni at the council, the other members white in the face as I spoke, "We survived then when half our props died, and we will survive now. With our stores, we should have enough that no one will go hungry.""Survive?" Said Segni, his voice rising, "Survive? How could you let this happen? How in the Hand of God could over half the crops die overnight, for no explicable reason? There was a feast to be next week, to celebrate my birthday."He slammed a fist down on the table, the carton where he typically held his fresh strawberries bouncing upwards then toppling over to show only nubs of green within."Simply put, we don't know," I said, with a bow, keeping my face somber, "We are simply fortunate enough that you had the foresight to prepare for such an event, your honor. And with the humblest of intentions, I remind your honor that I am but a messenger, with no control over the state of the gardens. As Pliny stated when introducing me to the council, I am average at best at gardening, and thus not suited for leadership."

"Messenger be damned!" Shouted Segni, raising a fist, "I've heard about your methods in the garden from Skip. I know what you've been up to, meddling with the way of things, stealing his students! And now half the garden dies! Nean, seize him, and let us make him an example of what happens when you act against the will of the chief!"

"Your honor," I said, speaking quickly as Nean advanced, Tom's face creasing in a slow frown behind him, "I have practiced my methods for years. Never before has there been a problem or decrease in yields. In fact, your honor, not one of my own plants or my student's plants have died – they seem to have survived this disaster. Without them, the ship would be in far greater trouble than a few hungry weeks."

Segni watched as Nean seized me by the elbow, dragging me towards the door, Tom grunting as his face tracked me from across the room.

"Your honor!" I shouted, red in the face, "In four weeks, we can have a feast! Four weeks, if you let me revive the gardens. If not, it will be at least twelve before we reach a full recovery, let alone a surplus."

"A feast?" Said Segni, "We have had many feasts, Horatius, and had more planned before you brought this news.""Not just a feast," I said, "But I have found that we can convert an entire field to growing strawberries if we increase our growth. Pliny said that fruit used to be sweeter in the stories, in the old days. Give me four weeks to bring you the sweetest strawberries of your life, and more of them than you have ever seen, to prove myself as your loyal servant!""Lies," Said Segni, as Nean's grip intensified and Tom's eyes narrowed, a vein showing in his forehead, "Just as you tried to lie your way into historian long ago. Don't think I am a fool, Horatius, and trick me like you tricked Skip."

"But I came prepared! With proof!" I said, reaching into my pocket to pull out a small box and open it, revealing a small lump of red within, "A gift, for you, your honor. I had planned to give it to you on a more celebratory occasion, but here it is now. The sweetest strawberry you have ever tasted, and the largest. Take it, and know that I can make one twice as tasty in the future. It took me years to discover this secret, but with the rest of the gardeners working with me, we can prepare the best for you. And not just strawberries, but the other foods as well!"

"Wait," Said Segni, gesturing to Nean, and leaned forward, removing the berry from the box and raising it to eye level. Then he bit into it, chewing slowly, the red juice dripping down a chin that was on the verge of doubling. His eyes closed, lips puckering after he took another bite, and another, until all that remained was the stem on the table, curved like a scar with crimson juice puddled about it.

"Four weeks." He said, without opening his eyes, and holding up his fingers, "Four, until I want a feast, a feast of strawberries. A birthday feast to make up for the one I'll miss."

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