Outside the Window (Lilith Pleasant)

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Grey. That's all I saw when I looked out my window. I could hear the rain pattering against the glass. My parents took my sister out to dinner as a reward for her perfect grades. I chose to just stay home. I know that mom and dad will just start fighting again, Angela would blame it on me as usual, after all everything is always my fault, I was the unwanted twin. I sighed as I rested my head against the glass. It wasn't fair, I didn't ask to be born. I could vanish and nobody would care. They'd notice only because I wouldn't be around to blame everything on. Maybe I could stay with grandma Coral and grandpa Herb, or even my aunt Jennifer and uncle John until college, their marriages aren't falling apart so maybe I'd know what it'd be like to not be hated by the people you live with. Dad's cheating on mom with the maid, and mom's always at work. Angela blames me for mom being busy, and she's too blind to see that dad and the maid are, ugh, don't even wanna think about that, I mean we don't even need a maid! I could hear the front door slam shut. There goes my peace and quiet.

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