Chapter 9

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Angela POV


I hum as I blink my eyes open and darkness was the first I see.

I pull my head back and the light from the window shines brightly making my eyes hurt.

As my eyes adjust to the light, the first thing I saw is Roman sleeping face. His eyes were close and his face looks so relax that I trace his strong jawline.

The roughness of the stubble he had, I can feel it on my fingertips and my eyes travel to his lips .

I was hesitant at first but then I peck his lips making my face blush red.

I'm the one pecking him and here I am red as a tomato.

For a few moments I lay in his arms enjoying the warmth radiating from his body before my stomach grumble.

I wiggle out of his arms quietly so he won't wake up and stand stretching my limbs.

I look around the room and walk to the window then saw a big forest with wind slowly blowing against the leaves.

Turning around, I walk to the door and open it, I look left and right before getting out and closing the door quietly.

I remember what Lorenzo said about the Orphanage has a new head of the house this morning. I sigh and find my way to the kitchen, but the house so big that I end up getting lost.

"Need help little girl?" A voice suddenly sound from behind me and I startled.

Turning around, I face with a brown haired men with a little grey hair here and there. Wrinkle forming on his face and a pale blue eyes looking at me. A clean and neat looking black suit with black pants pairing with a pair of black shiny shoes.

"Y-Yes, I'm actually trying to find a way to the kitchen." I said and he smile at me.

Normal person. At last.

He look at me up and down.

"Follow me. I'll help you." He said and hold his arms out for me to take.

I gladly take it and he guide me down the stairs and to the left hallway with many windows on the left side showing the front of the house outside.

"Here we are."

My eyes was almost pop out of it's socket when I see the kitchen.

The stove was one of those on the counter where you just press some buttons to start the heat. The cream shelf and cabinets lining up against the dark wall and a fridge by it side.

On the other side is where the sink is and a long empty counter. There two windows on the wall and it was open to let fresh air in.

It looks modern and beautiful but it also look untouch.

"Has the kitchen never been used?" I ask him and he look at me as I walk around the kitchen opening fridge and take out some stuff to cook.

"We do use it but rarely. Also the fridge will always have new things each week. They just change the things in it two days ago." He said and look out into the hallways frowning.

"Well, I think if none of this going to be used of cooking then maybe I should cook breakfast?" I said and place the flour, eggs, butter and other things to make pancake.

"If I may asked miss, Who are you and your not a worker here right?" He asked and look away from the hallway to me.

"Oh! How rude of me. My name is - "

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