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Rishabh POV

I was so happy that finally manik and nandini are apart with nandini taking my side..I was happy that finally that idiotic band so called fab5 will stay away from Nandini...So much of act and making my sister and emotional fool I was winning over them...

But no that Moron Manik Malhotra is after me ...how bloody he can buy Mr.Semon ...I bet he gave him money...else why he will chose ugly fab5 over R5 ...and I hate being so helpless...I need to do something else everything will be over...

I was in deep shit...when a door knock grabbed my attention making me frown more..as I don't wanna see them specially in early morning...but I am helpless...I can't keep them out from this now

Welcome fab5..I said with a fake smile Good to see you back again..

Rishabh,mate we are not here for your fake greetings...Show us the recording room we are very fine there...Manik said making me fist my hand

Asking as if you don't know..they are dancing on my nerves...

WO kya hai na Rishabh we don't want to be called as Ugly fab5 messing around your property oops sorry I mean on Mrs.Nandini Manik Malhotra's property

Its not her,its mine...I said smirking around

Then you are highly mistaken Rishabh moorthy..as I far as I remember 51% shares are with my wife...Manik said coming forward with grin on his face and I so wanted to smashed that grin from his face...

Get the hell out of here...I said and punched the table...

Hahah..he and his gang laughed and left...


Manik POV

It's going to be fun...I thought and left with Fab4 laughing on his Look...I will take every happiness and luxury you have Rishabh..and I promise this on my kids and nandini...you had made our life hell and now its time for you to live the same...

Manik,all this plan won't backfire us right??asked cabir bring me back

Hopefully,yes cabir and don't be so negative I replied but I had a doubt which I can't tell them

Manik,its not easy as it seems,Abhi said with his concern

I know abhi,but we don't have any option..I replied sighing on how much messed fab5 is bcoz of us

Don't think that way bhai,we are happy to be with you and Bhabhi..We are family right..Navya said reading my unsaid words

I took her into hug and all joined us

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