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A/N: beware: this is an emotional chapter.


He jumped at the voice. Looking up at her, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Oh. Hi, Elle."

His eyes traveled down to her feet and he realized she wasn't wearing heels. Instead, she wore sneakers, a pair of denim jeans, and a Nike windbreaker. Her hair wasn't even in the usual retro bob but in a perfect ponytail. His eyes widened at the scene.

"Miles, we have to go, " she said hastily, her eyes frantic.

"What do you mean?" he asked as he sat up.

She worriedly glanced up at the sky and held out a hand. "I'll explain on the way. Just please, come with me."

"Okay, okay."

He followed her across the street to a nearby parking lot. In the midst of cars, she found her silver Lamborghini Sesto Elemento. Although it wasn't very difficult to find between the Hyundais and Kias.

"Holy..." he whispered while he gaped at the car. Never in his life had he seen a Lamborghini. Of course, he was a dedicated classic Mustang lover but a Lamborghini was certainly an impressive sight.

  "Miles, can you please get in?" she requested and he carefully did so.

They were silent as she drove. Her eyes were trained on the road but she knew he was looking at her.

  Finally, he spoke. "Would you like to tell me what's happening? Or at least, where you're taking me?"

  "There's a blizzard coming. A strong one. I...didn't want you in the middle of that."

  "Oh. Well, thank you, " he paused. "So, where are we going?"

  "My house, " she replied before watching his reaction. He hesitated to respond. "I mean, if that's alright with you. You don't have to go. I–I could take you to a shelter instead."

  "Um, do you live alone?"

  She nodded slowly.

  "Oh, okay, then. I just thought it would be awkward if you had a roommate and I didn't want to intrude..." he trailed off and she chuckled softly.

  "I understand. I'd feel the same way."

After a couple more minutes, she parked in the driveway of her house. His mouth was wide open before he even climbed out of the car.

"Elle, are you sure you live alone?" he asked as he eyed the huge house. It had at least three floors.

She smiled. "Yes, I'm sure. Come on."

"What about your car–" he stopped himself when he saw two men in suits safely putting the car in the garage.

Wouldn't want a million dollar car be wrecked in a blizzard.

He waited until they were inside to talk. Looking around the place, he said: "So, you don't live alone. You have guards."

"I'll be alone tonight. I've ordered them to go home now and be with their families, " she answered and he nodded.

"What are their names?"

"Christian and Nathan. I call them Mike and Ike, though."

He let out a laugh at that.

They sat down in her living room. His eyes wandered around the entire house until they settled on her again. She turned on the TV to fill the silence.

"Oh, I forgot to ask. Are you hungry?"

"Uh, " he shrugged. "Only if you are."

She narrowed her eyes at him for a moment before standing up. "Hungry it is."


  As he stared out the window of the guest room, watching the fragile snowflakes form piles of snow, he thought about her. How she had everything.

  A big house, a profitable business, and most of all, a life. Everything he didn't have and everything he wanted.

  Yet, here she was. Talking to him, a boy who had nothing to offer in return for her kindness.

  "Why are you helping me?" he asked suddenly.

  She peeked at him as she drank her hot chocolate. "What do you mean?"

  "You drove all the way to that street and took me to your house when you could've left me there. So, why didn't you?"

  "You're not asking me why I'm helping you, " she murmured, setting down her mug, and met his eyes. "You're asking me why I care."

  He decided not to respond to that.

  "Well, I couldn't just sit here, safe and warm in my house, when there's plenty of room to spare. And you would die of frostbite out there."

  "So...what? I'm just some charity case of yours?" he scoffed.

  "A charity– what? No! Why would you think that?" she furrowed her eyebrows at him and he shrugged.

  "I just don't really understand why someone like you would help someone like me. Without an advantage, anyway."

  She shook her head vigorously. "No, there's no advantage. Miles...I wouldn't do that to you."

  "I don't believe you, Elle. I've been through too much to trust you so easily, " he whispered, lowering his gaze. But he noticed the flash of hurt that passed through her eyes.

  She stood and walked to the door. Her eyes were closed; she wished he would stop her from leaving.

  Each step she took and the silence that followed tore a hole in her heart.

  When she finally reached the door, she stopped and turned her head slightly. Waiting. Giving him a second chance.

  He didn't take it.

  His chest hurt and his eyes burned. His heart cried out to her but his brain showed him the past. All the things he had to suffer. All the people that had taken advantage of him then, left.

  He couldn't live through that again. He couldn't.

  No matter how much his heart broke.

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