Alpha And Beta

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Naruto's POV

"Do you really think they're ready, kit? I mean, facing the Oharo is no joke." Kurama laid down in front of Naruto in the Tailed Beast psyche, shaking his thick pelt.
"They have to be. Besides, they're shinobi. Leaf shinobi. They're strong and even if they do get hurt, it's not my problem. They've accepted the mission fully aware of the risks." Naruto closed his eyes to focus better on Kurama's now worried face, as he kept walking.

"We both know you don't mean that." The fox scrunched his nose while sharpening his claws into the ground. Naruto sighed before he left his mindscape and closed the connection, leaving Kurama's question hanging. But both of them knew the answer anyway.

"How did you end up here?" The Jinchuriki asked no one in particular even though Kou knew he was talking to him.
"Hiding in plain sight. After our last partnership assignment I've been staying clear of the Oharo. The mercenary-known bounty on my head is a quarter of yours. And everyone knows that not even the wealth the feudal lords have all together can reach that exquisite sum." Kou sighed with annoyance and maybe a very little tint of jealousy.

"Not my fault." Naruto smirked slightly as he recalled some memories of the time he used to fight alongside Kou, breaking free from his gloomy mood. Mostly completing their missions and also looking after the Oharo's ass as well. He did miss those times.
"What are you two talking about?" Kakashi raised a brow.
"Before the bastard here started completing assassination assignments on his own, he was my partner. And we were both part of the Oharo Clan." Kou's gaze cloudened.

Sasuke's eyes widened. He did not see that coming. Before Kou could explain further, Naruto's controlled voice cut him off.
"We'll have time to talk about this later. Now, we must go through with the mission." The Uchiha swallowed his words and gritted his teeth, biting his bottom lip softly in order to contain his frustration.

"You said we'd find out what the second part of the plan is." Kakashi suggested subtly.
"Yeah. In order to get close to the core of the Oharo, exactly their clan leader-Ryoko Asu, we have to somehow make it inside their main hideout." Naruto nodded towards Nawaki to explain the plan.
"A few days ago, Lord Shadow pretended to be a decoy of a clan the Oharo are working with, the Mukami Clan, and found out that they had come to an agreement stating that the two clans would join forces and split their loot equally, even though the Mukami actually intend to take down the Oharo by overpowering them." The spy directed his low voice to the Leaf shinobi since Kou already knew.

They had been planning to strike the Oharo Clan for two good weeks and in fact, it had begun a little while after Naruto was taken in custody by the Hidden Leaf Village. He had chosen to do so as soon as he realized that staying in the village would only expose its people to the enemy. Thus, he would have broken the promise he had made to Itachi, by consciously putting Sasuke in danger.

"So what we are supposed to do now is to deliver a secret scroll regarding this to an underling of the Oharo Clan, at Tenchi Bridge. Afterwards, Naruto will act according to the original agreement between the clans. It includes infiltration as well as assassination." Kou finished the plan by mostly summing it up.
It took about six seconds for Kakashi to process all of that new information while Sasuke clicked his tongue, catching on to the fact that Naruto, Nawaki and Kou had this all planned long before the Leaf shinobi even heard of the blond's two loyal subordinates. Sakura just nodded her head a little hesitantly, which caught the blond's observant eye.
She's showing fear. I didn't expect that.

"Why should we even trust you two?" Naruto was surprised to hear Sasuke say that with his eyes narrowed towards Kou and Nawaki, although he knew that the raven wouldn't rely on somebody he is still suspicious of.
"Because Naruto trusts us. That should be enough for all of you. But only if you trust him, of course." Kou smirked at him.

Sasuke clenched his fists, ready to hit him in the face before he froze inwardly at the sight of the blond's gaze. It was asking 'Do you trust me?'. In response, the Uchiha sighed as his body relaxed. Of course he trusted him.
"I suppose Naruto will play the role of the Mukami Clan's messenger while the rest of us assure his safety, if needed." Kakashi spoke up, trying to brighten the mood. He also knew that they wouldn't be able to raise a finger before Naruto got to kill half of the criminal population. It figures.

"Can I ask something?" Sakura's insecure voice was barely audible.
The Jinchuriki nodded his head.
"What happened to the original Mukami that was supposed to meet up with the Oharo?" She fiddled with her fingers.
"Damn, she's actually pretty smart." Kurama commented.
"She did use to be the top kunoichi of the year." Naruto replied, uninterested.
"That's something rather unimportant at the mom-"
"We kinda accidentally killed him." Kou scratched the back of his neck while Nawaki face palmed and Naruto sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Horrified, Sakura's eyes widened.

"We wanted to extract some intell out of him and brought him to Mount Myoboku, where he'd be entirely hidden. Somehow," Nawaki grunted at Kou who raised his arms innocently, "Gamabunta, the chief toad, found out that the Mukami had called him 'a fat frog' instead of at least 'a toad' and he didn't like it one bit. Let's just say that he tripped over a boulder from a fifty meter-high cliff and fell on top of him. It didn't end well." The spy grimaced at the thought of mashed insides and blood.

"Enough of that already. Now, this is the last time you can drop out of this. If any of you have doubts about your own strength and capability to make it through, say something or keep your mouth shut." Naruto crossed his arms over his chest as his somewhat slightly concerned gaze moved from one Leaf shinobi to the other, lingering a bit more on Sasuke in particular. He had no doubt that the raven would definitely accept a challenge like that.

Sasuke rolled his eyes before he fixed his annoyed gaze on the blond's, standing in front of him.
"You're actually asking me that, dobe?" Naruto smirked a little upon hearing the young Uchiha's response and knowing that his hunch had been correct one more. After all, he knew Sasuke better than he did himself.

Kou snorted loudly, clearly amused while Nawaki tried not to burst out laughing at the blond's weirdly-fitting nickname.
"So he's the one who used to be your best friend, eh?" The Oharo managed to say through the laughter that had brought tears to his brown eyes. Naruto felt a pang in his chest and it got worse when he noticed Sasuke's emotionless face and narrowed eyes. He knew the raven was hiding his feelings again and he didn't like that, despite the fact that Naruto himself did so almost the whole time.

"Yeah." The Jinchuriki turned his head to a side, closing his eyes to get in control of his flourishing emotions just in time as Nawaki strongly cuffed the back of Kou's head, who yelped in return.
For an A rank assassin, the Oharo was quite an idiot. And Naruto secretly liked to have him around.
God, what have I done to end up with these idiots?

Heya! I know, I'm horrible. Too much talk again. I can't help it though! But I did give you a very early update, right? And guess what? A few more days and I'm done with school!! Summer break!!!!Yaaaaaaas! 😂
Thanks for reading so far! It really makes me happy to know that you guys actually like my story, ya know?
Next time, on Naruto Shippuden: 'Tenchi Bridge'
& Share!
~See ya!~

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