Chapter 9

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Silence hung thick in the air, drowning Ciel's thoughts with its fragile yet threatening presence.

Where am I? Ciel thought. In Ciel's case, sound was his way of "seeing", that and touch. Without it, he considered himself to be extremely vulnerable. His entire character was built upon independence and attentiveness. Considering his circumstances, it was almost vital for his survival. He was in an asylum after all.

Ciel remembered Alois waking him up in the middle of the night. He also remembered Alois dragging him down the asylum's corridors. He couldn't exactly place how long they were running for, that memory was clouded for some reason. As far as memories go (beyond running behind Alois), there were none. However, there was one thing Ciel was sure of: he was in danger.

After a couple of minutes, or hours, Ciel wasn't exactly sure; he regained some feeling in his limbs. Ciel moved his feet around, and realized that he was standing barefoot. He could feel the smooth and cool surface of the asylums linoleum floor underneath him.

So I am in the hospital it seems, Ciel thought.

Ciel moved his arms around, and was relieved to find that he wasn't constrained in any way; meaning that if he was in danger, he had the ability to defend himself. Yet as he increasingly regained his senses, he felt a throbbing and numbing pain in his left arm. Ciel winced as the pain deepened; and opted to run his hand over the source. He slowly traced his fingers over his skin and felt the soft surface of what seemed to be cotton. Puzzled, Ciel dug his nails underneath the cotton, and recognized the feel of the same bandages that went over his eyes.

Gauze Ciel thought.

He tore his fingernails along the lining of the bandage and ripped it off with ease, fervent to investigate the condition of his left arm. He hesitantly ran his fingers along the source of the pain, half expecting an awful wound. However, he barely felt any wound at all. In fact, he only found a tiny little bump, which seemed odd compared to the raw and aching pain he felt.

Suddenly, Ciel immediately recognized the cause of the pain. It was obvious really, now that he thought about it more. Ciel concluded that he had been giving a shot, though he couldn't suspect why it was done so late at night and in such an unfamiliar setting. This fact made Ciel uneasy; he knew that that shot wasn't planned by his doctor. It must have been done secretly and for reasons Ciel could only guess...

However, Ciel had other matters to question as well. Firstly, Ciel still wasn't sure where he was, or how he even got to such a silent room in the first place. For the most part, the hospital was never truly silent. Even at night time when everyone was asleep the hospital was still a tiny bit noisy; the walls groaned, the doors creaked, the patients with nightmares would scream, etc. This new silence was deafening, and it unnerved Ciel.

Once Ciel was sure that his body was still fully functioning, he tried to fight pass the fog that shrouded his thoughts.

Where had Alois taken me? He thought.

He couldn't remember going anywhere in particular; all he could remember was the endless running.


It seemed as if though that memory was ripped from his thoughts. Ciel huffed in annoyance, and tried instead to figure out exactly where he was on his own. However, without his cane, he couldn't be sure if the next step he took would be his last.

Ciel stuck his arms out in front of him, and took a couple of steps forward. He could feel the floor underneath him, and the sound of his steps. This seemed to comfort him at least a little; it was nice to break the silence.

Bittersweet SebastianxCielTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang