Chapter 1

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The bright contrast of the computer screen compared to the emerging darkness of the outside world had caused Niall to turn the brightness down in order to continue his work, or else a headache would emerge and he wouldn't be able to enjoy the planned, surprise date that Niall had sloppily thrown together. It has been quite a few months since Niall actually planned something for Harry - since Valentine's Day, Harry's been the one to take Niall out and about for a good time. You couldn't blame him, really; Niall was new to the town and no matter how many times Harry explained it, the layout of the new town never seemed to stick with him. He allowed himself some settling time, which Harry completely understood.

    Yet, it's easy to tell that Harry's been hoping for a good time sometime soon. His countless hours spent working in order to pay for their apartment has drained him, and the amount of dates Harry planned for Niall grew few and far between by the time August rolled around. And, as their schedules seemed to constantly contradict each other - with Niall always waiting until night to do his online classes, and Harry working full-time - by the time Niall finished his coursework on the computer at home, Harry was just about ready to pass out in bed.

    Thankfully, Niall was able to make sure neither of them had anything to do before deciding where he would take him. This would probably be their last date for a while, as Niall starts back for actual, physical classes in a couple of weeks and the drive out to the campus was quite time-consuming.

    Only, Niall grew worrisome when Harry entered the small bedroom, pulling off his tie and dropping it on the floor, and continuing to strip down until he was left in only his multi-coloured briefs. Harry had never been so lackadaisical to the point that he willingly left his dirty clothes in a heap on the floor just so he could climb into bed after.

    Niall wasn't going to even attempt to scold him, as there has been countless times before where Niall has done the exact same thing and Harry never bothered to say anything. He'd only quietly pick up the clothes and drop them in the hamper himself. There is only one account of Harry actually getting annoyed with Niall's sluggish behaviour, and it was only because they were supposed to be packing for the big move. All of Harry's belongings were cleaned and boxed up, so it must have been quite annoying to come home and find an entire outfit strewn all about the room.

    Niall made it up to him, though, by putting the clothes back on and allowing Harry to take them off one by one and throw them on the floor himself, seeing as he was a bit preoccupied to throw it all the way over to the hamper.

    "Mmm, baby, you look so exhausted." Niall commented, setting down the laptop in the chair before him without closing it.

    Harry rolled over onto his back to lie in the middle of the bed, allowing Niall to crawl over him and lay down on his left side. "I'm a bit tired," Harry down-played his fatigue, not wanting Niall to worry that he's not getting enough sleep. Especially since he knows that Niall would only blame himself, as he sometimes has to work late into the night and doesn't crawl into bed until three in the morning, trying his hardest not to rouse his lover. Yet, Harry is a disgustingly light sleeper; any sudden movement on the bed would often wake him up anyway, and Harry sometimes has trouble falling back to sleep after he's been awoke. Niall didn't mean for it to happen, but over the last few days, in order to get all his work out of the way to make tonight clear, Niall would crawl into bed around that time every night, making Harry lose quite a bit of sleep each night.

    Harry's not much for naps, because he fears it will mess up his sleep schedule, but after losing a total of nine hours of sleep over the last few days, Harry doesn't care about messing up his sleep schedule any longer.

    "I'll leave you to sleep, then. I'll just go--" Niall makes a move to leave the bed, wanting to finish up his last bit of work before their date. Hopefully Harry will be rested enough to want to go out.

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