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M A R L E Y S • P O V

Laying on the floor and staring up at the ceiling, I was surrounded by a pile of clothes which were becoming less like material garments and more like items of torture sent to drive me insane.

"Am I crazy?"

I sighed and threw my hands up. "Well yeah you're talking to yourself."

I sat up and put my head in between my knees, clapping my face in between them and groaning with frustration.

It was Saturday night and Josh was picking me up in an hour. So far, all I had done to get ready was shower and curl my hair. I held on to my towel and stood up.

I needed an epic outfit. I was, after all, going to a high school party, where a majority of the people that I disliked, would be.

And while I didn't actually care what anyone thought of me, I wanted to look hot. Like enviable hot.
You know when you don't want someone to like you, but you want them to think, wow she looks so good.


I needed to focus on just picking an outfit. But my mind kept wandering to potential scenarios of how my night could go. In these scenarios someone spikes my drink and ties me to a power pole naked.

Or I have my hair cut off while I'm passed out drunk in a corner.

Or someone pants' me in front of everyone while I'm caught off guard.

All of the things that happen to the loser who shows up at a party in the movies.

But with each new scenario that came to mind, I concluded that Josh would never let anyone do anything like that to me.

I started going through my clothes again and finally put an ensemble together.

I secretly loved clothes. I spent a lot of money on them. I loved dressing up and getting pretty.
It was exciting that I finally had someone who liked me for me. And I didn't have to worry about impressing him. He got the reward of seeing my cute side because he gave the real me a chance first.

I slipped in to a black long sleeve body con dress that hugged me tight. I pulled on a pair of white vans, some chunky bangles and a long necklace.

I traded my glasses for contacts and sat down to put some make up on

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I traded my glasses for contacts and sat down to put some make up on. I winged out my eyes with some black liner before coating my lashes with mascara to make a dark smokey effect. Bronzer, contour, conceal and of course highlight followed before finally smearing a layer of nude lipstick on to top it all off.

I smiled with content as I assessed the finish product in the mirror. A moment later the doorbell rang so I grabbed my cellphone and keys before rushing out of the room.

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by Tay
After years away, Marley and Josh return to their hometown high schoo...
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