A Jerk Like You ~ [a dream]

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I dreamed about him last night

We were together again,

and he treated me like crap.

I remember having a need

to be acknowledged by him,

the awkwardness.

The disappointment when

I was pushed away.

Then someone made the comment,

that I was the girl people went to

simply because I was nice and flimsy.

Perfect to neglect, perfect to push around,

perfect to be the perfect jerk to.

Because at the end of it, I'd still be there.

I could have almost given way at those words.

Because I thought about it, and in my dreams,

I believed it was true.

Why else would I be with a jerk like you?

So when I woke and the dreams came undone,

I was haunted by their message.

But sobered by their taste,

because when you tore my heart,

I took it out of the picture and myself, too.

I guess that dream just wasn't true.

Because I would never go back to you.

With love, Caroline x

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