02 | S w e a t

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Y/n Pov

I finally woke up and Im feeling hungry.. My stomach making sounds .. I force myself to get up from the bed .

Suddenly someone push the door open and its Jin again.

" Oh you must be hungry arent you ? Follow me y/n.. "

I followed him and came across a room. He open it and suddenly push me into the room.

When I turn back , Hes already closing the door locking it. I stood there blanky trying to open the door but I cant.

I then realised who is in the same room as me. Jungkook.

" Today you are mine. Y/n " as he pat the bed beside him for me to sit but I ignoring his presence.

I knew hes going walk towards me but I just try to move away from him ever since what happen.. Hes different , Hes not the same jungkook I met in the first place.

" Y/n ... why are you behaving like that? " as he grab my wrists trying to pull me with him .

" Cant you just leave me ALONE!! YOU DISGUST ME !" As I hit his chest repeatly non stop and my tears start falling.

I getting myself emotional nowadays.. why? All i want is to be happy and safe.. having a family , having a dream of my life.. but why me.. ?

He stopped my hands and He hug me tightly. His vanila scent makes me feel warm.. But Im scared , Im afraid of him..

I push him away falling down on the ground holding my knees crying.
Please , Leave me alone...

" Y/n.. I dont know anything about u and I dont know why u acting this way to me .. I will just leave you alone okay? " as he walk one step behind away from me.

What is he talking about ..? Dont know anything about me?! Dont know anything what he did to me ... I hate him.

" Oh.. ermm and if you hungry , There is food for you on the table . " he smiled and went back to his bed.

I aint going to eat , I just going to starve myself.. I will get out of here . I will .

Hes about to went to sleep but he got up and look at me in the eye.

" Oh and the food aint poison ... I swear .. " as he lay down and close his eyes.

I still wont eat it.. but I couldnt stand it .. My stomach been empty .. I need to eat in order to have my strength back to escape from here.

I got my feet up on the ground and walk to where the table is .. I realised there is only apples and a water. I take it and just ate it ..

It taste normal as it seems. I sat back down on the ground trying to figure out how am i suppose to escape..

Suddenly jungkook woke up ... his forehead were sweating.. his face looks like he having a nightmare.. He looks afraid of something.

I shouldnt be worry for him.. Im the victim here but everything here just seems so weird. Unreal

I didnt want to force myself to speak but Im really curious what is this place and what is their identity?

" .. ermm hey jungkook? Are you alright ..? " as I stood up but still far away from him by some distance.

" Just some usual nightmares .. " as he shake his head rubbing his eyes.

" Mind sharing ? I can be a good listener .. "

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