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As the Hunters entered the bookshop, Hunter Wright asked Cadeyrn if he had a minute. Aware of Cadeyrn's interest in literature, Wright needed his help deciding how to organise the shelves in preparation for incoming shipments. "As much as the shop hides the London chapter stronghold, it is still a fully functioning business," Wright had told the twins one day. With Cadeyrn preoccupied, Carys and James hurried down the stone stairs herself to meet with Bryn, Rhys, and Jonathan who just arrived back an hour ago.

She was about to turn a corner when James touched her wrist. "You did everything you could today, Carys," he said, not taking his eyes off hers. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, free from its braid. "I know, but it still does not stop me from feeling like a failure."


"Did you manage to help Wright with his bookshelves?" Carys inquired. Cadeyrn nodded, "I suggested to him that he organise his books by genre towards the back of the bookshop and place the most popular ones on the displays in the front." "When you mean 'popular,' you mean those with no substance whatsoever," Carys teased. Cadeyrn gave her a small smile, "Yes. One day, I hope to publish a book that will mean something, one that will change lives." Carys playfully punched his shoulder, "I will be your first reader."

Cadeyrn met up with Carys and James by a trapdoor leading into a secret room he found the night before wandering the halls unable to fall asleep. He sent a message to Bryn, Rhys, and Jonathan about their meeting spot earlier this morning before they all set off for the factories. "A change of scenery for once," he had explained. Opening the door, the three lowered themselves into the room using the rope ladder provided. There, they were met with the sight of a bruised, disheveled Bryn, an injured Rhys, and a bristling Jonathan. Bryn was carefully wrapping a piece of cloth around Rhys's arm to staunch the bleeding from the cut on his upper arm. Carys rushed forward and ripped a piece of her shirt to hand to Bryn, "You are hurt; what happened?" Rhys winced as Bryn neatly tied a knot to secure the makeshift bandage. Jonathan was the first to speak up, "We had a run-in with the guards just as we were leaving the grounds. Rest assured, they were not able to discern our identities." Cadeyrn clapped Bryn on the shoulder gently, aware of his injuries, "We are just relieved you three came back safe. I assume you found the same evidence of the first factory?"

Bryn nodded and collapsed in one of the armchairs in the room in exhaustion. "We talked to a worker, a young girl named Adelaide. We tried to bring her back with us but she wished to stay with her friends. She also alluded to Carraway when she said he would notice her disappearance if she left with us," James revealed. Bryn and Rhys brightened in excitement despite their injuries. "And so the stories are true, demons do lurk in the British Empire's capital–dressed in all the finery money can buy and hidden like cowards behind the protections of their exploitative enterprises," Bryn breathed. A heavy silence ensued as the weight of Bryn's words absorbed into the minds of the room's inhabitants. It was Rhys who voiced what they all had been thinking about, "Now how the hell are we going to get Carraway out from his hiding spot?"

Jonathan crossed her arms and grinned wickedly, "I think it is about time we Londoners get a chance to prove our worth."


It took until Christmas Eve for the British Hunters to prove their worth. The only sound that could be heard aside from the hum of activity down below was the rippling of coats in the relentless wind. The sky had darkened to a blackish grey while the bitter cold wind found its way into every open space between clothing. As opera attendees hurried from their carriages to find their seats for the upcoming show, six dark figures stood facing one another on top of The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden.

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