Chapter Eleven

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I know it's been forever and I'm sorry to leave everyone waiting. Thank you so much for all of the continual comments and support - you guys keep me motivated!
(Actually love this chapter, I hope you do too!)

"No. Absolutely not."

Suzanna stared at Samuel with pleading eyes, trying to look as beseeching as possible. He simply crossed his arms and frowned down at her.

"Samuel, it is a good idea," she reasoned.

"I disagree."

"You are being stubborn!"

"No, I am being sensible," Samuel countered.

Over the last few days Suzanna had spent most of her time trying to figure out the best way to find out more information on Duke Wilson. She had concluded that the only possible lead she could follow would be to talk to 'Big Magnus'. But she had hardly had time to explain her idea to Samuel before he announced he was adamantly against it.

"I want to talk to him, he may be the only one who can provide information," Suzanna argued.

"You cannot simply approach a man like this and hope he will assist you. He is dangerous, Suzanna. We do not know enough about him to risk this. You are far too valuable to send into such a hazardous place."

"You can come with me!"

"I will go and you can stay here," Samuel decided.

"What? No, that's not fair!" Suzanna gasped. "I am going."

"That is out of the question."

Frustration pulsed through her body. "Sir Knight, I am going with or without you. You do not dictate my wanderings, nor do you decide what I may or may not do. I did not come to you to ask for your permission; I asked for your help. Now either help me like you promised or leave, but do not try to stop me or so help me I will complain and have you sentenced to stable duty for a month," Suzanna threatened. Samuel blinked once, surprised by her sudden, angry outburst.


"No, do not 'Suzanna' me! Duke Wilson could be planning anything and we are the only ones who know about it. And when we finally have some information you refuse to lay down your pride and admit that I have a good idea! If you could for once let go of your arrogance and-"

"Suzanna," Samuel repeated firmly, cutting her off. "It has nothing to do with pride and arrogance, nor am I trying to order you. I am trying to protect you," he said, gently this time. His honest words disarmed her.

"Samuel," she replied quietly. "I know you want to protect me - I know your nature is to make sure others are safe. But I promise I will be careful - I am not entirely helpless, you know."

"Really?" Samuel asked bleakly. "You were not entirely helpless when you were hanging over that cliff? You were not entirely helpless when the Duke forced himself onto you?"

"That was different - I was unprepared and unsuspecting."

"But you were still helpless," Samuel murmured, staring at the ground. Suzanna moved a step closer to him and stared at him until he finally looked up.

"Sometimes you have to trust God a little more," she whispered.

"Do not ask this of me," he pleaded. "I cannot willingly watch as you walk into danger." Suzanna's heart thumped painfully at his expression, though she did not understand her own reasons for her reaction.

"If you are so worried then come with me."

"I cannot. The Duke knows me, he knows my appearance and he was clearly able to have someone recognize me. I am the whole reason he found out about you looking into him. If I had just been more careful he never would have threatened you or -"

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