Chapter Twenty-Two

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Xx Divine Romance

Samuel glared at the river he sat near, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He was nearly positive that Big Magnus was trying to lead him astray - waste his time. They had been on their journey for two days. Big Magnus had said they should arrive by the end of two days. But, as Samuel looked around, he realised being stuck in the middle of a forest did not seem like a promising event. They were far away from any people, and - according to the map he held in his hand - far away from any specific locations.

No, he was sure of it. Big Magnus was a fraud and did not know where his sister was. Samuel held back a shout of frustration, not wanting to alert Big Magnus - who stood about fifteen metres away at their campsite - that he was suspicious.

He was angry. He had wasted so much time hoping to find Sarah. He regretted trusting a criminal - even one tempted by coin - to faithfully help him. The real question was - now what? He would have to arrest Big Magnus, but then he would have to travel the two day journey back to the castle.

Samuel sighed. He would have to return to the kingdom and explain to Tristan everything. That would take up more time and at this moment, all he wanted was to find his sister. Deep down, though, he knew wisdom would be asking for help from Tristan. Rushing off in a hurry had not been a wise move. At least he would get to see Suzanna again. He smiled and rubbed his horse's head. The horse paid little attention, continuing to slurp noisily from the river.

He hoped Suzanna was well - hoped she had not been too anxious over the last two days. Leaving her fearful had been torture but not being able to comfort her was worse.

Big Magnus had behaved himself while they were on their journey. Samuel had never once managed to spot a concealed weapon and Big Magnus had made no moves to try and harm him. If he did not want to harm Samuel, then what was his purpose? Wasting time, it seemed. But why? Samuel did not think it was so Sarah would be harmed.

Something to do with Suzanna, then? Samuel clenched his jaw. He would have to confront Big Magnus.

When his horse had finished drinking, Samuel returned to the campsite. Big Magnus was resting against a tree, staring absentmindedly at the ground.

"A pleasant day," Big Magnus said, not making eye contact. Samuel rolled his eyes. He saw no use in pretending they were friendly acquaintances.

"Aye. The river is clear and fresh if you are thirsty," he replied.

Big Magnus nodded once and stood up, heading for the river. As soon as he was mostly out of sight, Samuel dropped to his knees and began rummaging through Big Magnus's bag. He was looking for anything - anything that could explain where Sarah was or something that had instructions from Caden.

"I would put down the bag if I were you."

Samuel whipped his head around to see Big Magnus glaring at him, a long dagger pointed his way. So he had managed to conceal a weapon. Samuel grunted and stood up, dropping the bag. He pulled his sword out from its scabbard, the metal gleaming dangerously in the sun.

"Put down your weapon, Magnus. You do not want to face in arms a knight of the king," Samuel responded. His muscles were tensed, ready for a fight.

Big Magnus did not flinch, he only continued his dark stare.

"And here I thought we were travelling together so peacefully," Big Magnus said with a laugh.

"Enough with the games. I know you are leading me nowhere. I know you are trying to waste my time. I will end this here if I must," Samuel warned. "Where is Sarah?"

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