The Player is Back

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I approached Blake just as he turned the corner down the hall. Hearing my footsteps, he turned, stopping in the center of the floor. He looked back at me in surprise.

For a second I thought about turning back. Maybe this was a mistake. I was never good at confrontation, anyways. But I had to do this. Forming a fist with my hands, I approached Blake. 

"Okay," I said, stepping in front of him. He looked down at me. "You want to talk? Let's talk."

Blake took a breath. I put my hand up.

"No," I said. "Me first." I bit my lip, trying to put it all together. "What you did to me? It was wrong, on so many levels. You humiliated me when I was most vulnerable. I...I told you things, things I never told anyone else. I trusted you. And you broke that trust. I know about the party, Blake. I saw you."

Blake didn't say anything.

 "But you know that already. That's why you did what you did, isn't it? I wasn't going to tell anyone. But you didn't even ask. You lied to me, and I should hate you for it, but the worst part is I don't. I don't hate you. Far from it. When I think of you my heart still skips a beat, and I don't know why because, honestly, I should know better. So, please, just tell me now, so I can get over it and find the closure I need... Was what we had real or not?"

I finished, my voice cracking on the last word. I was terrified to find out what his answer was. I wasn't sure what to think anymore. But I just needed it to end.

He looked at me for a moment, and for a split second I thought he might say no. That none of it was real, or that it didn't matter at all.

But before the thought could even pass he was grabbing my waist and pulling my to him, his soft lips pressing against mine. He held my face in his hands, caressing my cheek as I held my breath against him.

suddenly, my senses came back to me. I pulled back, pushing my hands against his chest. He stumbled, letting out a breath.

"What the hell? What's going on with you?"

He stared at me, his lips still pink. "I... I'm just confused." 

I shook my head. "That makes two of us."

I watched him there, pitifully staring down at the ground. I started to walk away, shaking off the electric feeling in my body. Turning down the hall, I began to leave the way I came.

 "Figure out what it is you want, Blake. Because I'm done playing games."


"So, tell me more about Ben. What's he like?"

"Who?" I asked, still replaying the scene from earlier over again in my head.

"Ben? That boy from the farm you stayed at?"

I leaned back, returned to my seat at the lunch table. "There's not much to tell," I said, shaking my head. "We're just friends. And I think he might have a girlfriend."

"Who? Do we know her?"

"No. Someone from his college. Kenna."

I grimaced at the memory that arose with her mentioning. Flashes of a white coat, blue eyes, and gorgeous blonde hair came to mind. But there was so much going on in my head I barely had time to think about Kenna before my mind returned to the subject of my conversation with Blake in the hall. Would I ever really be over him?

Sydney glanced at Bella, and I watched them share a look. It seemed like they were getting closer.

"Well, she sounds like a bitch."


"So, they're healing, but they will need some time. From the X-ray I can see you've been participating in activities that you definitely shouldn't be in this state. You need to take a break, don't walk too much. The best thing for you now is some good rest, and hopefully by your next checkup you'll have fully recovered." Dr. Marc looked at me with an expectant look. "Did you get all that?"

I nodded, shuffling on the crisp white paper that lay on the bench. I was itching to take off the flimsy paper hospital gown. "I'm sorry sir, I haven't been depending on my crutches lately. It doesn't hurt as much when I walk anymore and I supposed-"

"Just because it doesn't hurt doesn't mean it's fully healed. Seriously, miss Sparks, you need to use the crutches until I say it's safe not to."

I nodded again, and he put down his clipboard.

"I'm going to save your latest medical records, and you can change out of your gown now."

He left, shutting the door softly behind him. As soon as he was gone, I shot up from the bench and pulled off the gown quickly, nearly ripping it in the process. I scrambled to pull my jeans and shirt back on, and fixed my hair before stepping out of the small room.

Still nervous, I peeked around the corner to look for Dr.Marc.

Instead, I heard a familiar voice, talking in a hushed voice. "But Sir, we need a sooner appointment.."

"I'm sorry. The next available appointment is in March. Besides, most people would want some time to think over their decision, don't you think? Maybe you want it."

I heard another familiar voice, a higher one this time.

"We don't want to keep it. I'm seventeen, for god's sake!" The girl took a deep breath and began talking again, much more quietly this time. "Please, we just need it gone. I have a cheer competition next week and they don't let you- you know- perform if you are...They say it's dangerous."

"Again, I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do."

Cheer competition? Suddenly I recognized that high voice. It was Ingrid's.

The lower voice spoke again. "I'm gonna get some air, okay babe? I'll be back." I heard footsteps coming down the hall, and I quickly hid behind a counter.

But not before I got a glimpse of Julian strolling down the corridor with determination.

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