Part Four: The End

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It's been two months since I went with Ingrid to the clinic.

Three months since I came back to school.

Five months since I got into the accident that changed my life forever.

And eight long months since the very first day of senior year.

From the outside, it may seem like nothing has changed. But in reality, so much is different.

Bella, Sydney, and I are all still friends. Only, this year, we've gotten so much closer. All three of us needed time to find ourselves- figure out who we really were. And now, with everything we've been through, the trio is even more inseparable.

This year, like every other year before, I didn't get skinny.

I didn't get popular.

I may not have gotten the guy, or prom queen, or the newest shoes.

But I had my friends- new and old. I managed to befriend someone who was once my worst enemy, come to accept myself for who I am, and learn so many valuable life lessons. I went through hell, experienced new things, and...

Fell in love.

I hadn't thought about Ben in a while. Well, not purposefully, at least. Wherever I was, whatever I was doing, Ben and his lopsided smile was always in the back of my mind, making my heart skip beats. I missed him. But I couldn't tease my mind with the possibility of what could have been, because there was no going back. He was right, and I had to believe we'd both made the right decision. I was choosing myself, no matter how much it hurt. Ben and I were in the past. I had more important things to focus on.

Like Prom.

"Ugh, I'm just so excited! This is it, Ellie. Senior prom. We'll be telling our kids stories about this night years later. Aren't you excited?!"

I forced a smile as we sorted through dresses. I brushed past the Smalls and Xtra Smalls as I made my way to the Plus size section.

Sydney looked at heels, an excited smile playing at her face. "I can't believe high school is almost over. I'm gonna miss you guys so- Oh! Oh my god! These are perfect!" Sydney pulled out a pair of red heels and held them up to the dress in her hands.

At that, Bella's tiny head poked out from behind a dressing room curtain. "How much?"

"Does it matter? It's senior prom, Mrs. Accountant," Sydney replied as she rolled her eyes. She held the shoes under her arm as she made her way up to me. "Have you found anything yet?"

"No," I said, as I looked wearily up at the line of dresses. "I think I might just wear the same thing I did last year."

"Ellie, no!" Sydney gasped. "Bella, get out here! Now!"

Bella appeared, zipping up a long blue dress. Sydney pulled dress after dress off the rack.

"Try all of these," she said, piling them into my arms.


After twenty dresses and over an hour later, I zipped up the back of a dress in the dressing room.

"I don't even know if I want to go," I said, straightening out the straps.

"Because of Ben?" Bella asked from outside. My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name.

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