Chapter 3

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Daniel furrowed his brows, withdrawing his bow and arrow, and kept it by his side. He was perched on top of one of the many pillars and wanted to watch as the body of the demon he just killed, dissolved into a black puddle and eventually nothingness but his brown eyes were distracted at the sight of Emily. A normal girl being dragged by Amanda into their Sanctuary. What's happening here? Nothing in the Sanctuary goes unnoticed by him.

He leapt from the pillar and entered the portal too.

Emily fluttered her eyes open, jaw dropping in awe at the sight that beheld her. Intense golden lights beamed from high above the ceiling, illuminating a portrayal of a mural that Emily had seen before back in one of the desolated rooms in the convent; La Mappa dell'Inferno. Boticelli's illustrious interpretation of Dante's Inferno had significant impact in the world, introducing the nine circles of hell to sinners and saints alike. Emily was no exception. Awed by the baroque description and careful detailing, her conscience quivered as her eyes mapped out each ring, recalling the cantos she read in The Divine Comedy. The words had been forgotten but its impression was still instilled.

Her wet sneakers squeaked on the marble flooring, and she automatically shivered at how cold the place was. The grips on her didn't loosen one bit as they dragged her towards the center of the hall which featured a tall tower, at least twenty metres high. It reminded Emily of the memorial monuments in Washington D.C., except that it had a mini balcony surrounding the top of it and a tattered flag propped onto its peak, like a plastic star on top of a christmas tree. Ornamented staircases lined the sides of the rotunda, with Wielders scurrying up and about, some holding books as if they were college students and some holding menacing weapons, with resolution in their faces. They all looked human but Emily knew it was just a facade. The blood running through their veins weren't human at all.

"Pala, the girl from your vision." Amanda released Emily and gently pushed her in front of a man, whose appearance hadn't aged but the bearing in his eyes says otherwise. He looked ordinary with black hair and pale skin underneath the blue robe he wore. There was another man, maybe slightly older than Emily was, standing next to him. He didn't say his name but Emily didn't need to know that to be able to tell that he was in-charge. A charismatic aura radiated from the blonde haired man. Black rimmed spectacles and cross dangling earrings alluded a mysterious edge. 

Pala, whom Emily assumed was a warlock, motioned for her to come nearer.

"Yes, you're right. But someone still needs to choose her to be one of us."

"I'll do it." Tasha stepped up and stood next to Emily who was still dazed from all these peculiarities. Amanda nodded, giving her approval. Pala nodded back and turned his head, facing the man next to him who also nodded in return.

On the second floor, Daniel watched the commotion silently, his brows creasing reflecting his thoughts and opinion on the matter. He would have immediately interfered when Tasha said she'll choose this girl, an unknown girl, to be one of them but with Amanda and Tom standing by her side, he felt that he had no voice. There were many times when he wanted to scoff at their actions but knew better than to underestimate the leader of Zephyrus' judgement. However, he will have a word with Amanda and Tasha later. They should have at least consulted  him first before making such a drastic decision. An opportunity like that would never return to them should this arbitrary girl not prove her worth.

Word eventually spread through the Sanctuary that a new Wielder had joined them. Athena, a group of the most fiercest female warriors, claimed her as one of their own. They needed a witch and by the story of how Emily had broken the chain of Dromi with ease and confirmation from Pala, they concluded that she had witch blood in her.

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