She is my fiancé

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Today was finally the day he gets the whole truth about his son and he came prepared along with his lawyer,and Bridget ,who had annoyingly  tagged along because she didn't trust Addy.

They had been waiting for hours well not exactly ,just 10 minutes and he was growing impatient with each passing second.

"Sorry I'm late."Addy startled him as she sat down gracefully in her very sexy dress which didn't go unnoticed by him or all males present in that coffee shop.

"Whatever, so can we continue."Bridget was annoyed by Alex who was drooling over Addy.

"Why are you here Miss ..."

"I'm his fiance so I have the right."Bridget was glad that she came to show this woman her place .She had tamed the billionaire and she was not gonna let anyone ruin it for her.

"Congratulations ."Addy knew what the wicked witch was doing so she gave her one of her most practiced genuine fake smile ever and looked her straight in the eyes while noting the surprise in both her ex-husband and his fiance.

"So what do you want to know Alex ?I don't have all day ."Addy folded her arms and looked at her ex-husband who was as handsome as ever.He had not changed that much ,well except for his physique of course.

"Ummh...well I want to see my son."He was stuttering and he had just realized that the woman in front of him was no longer that timid shy girl he hated ,she was a beautiful woman.His wife ..the mother of his son.

"You can see him anytime you want but not with her around.I don't want to confuse my baby ."Addy was not sure why he looked uncomfortable and why he saw a little bit of admiration in his eyes before he quickly masked the feeling.

"I wouldn't want to be around him too."Bridget added bitterly.

"So since she is ok with everything can I leave now?"The lawyer was now visible to the little group as he stood up to leave .

"So I guess everything is OK then Alexis ?" Addy made sure to look at him when she said his name for the first since their marriage.

"Yeah ...I ...uhh...I will see you tomorrow."Why in gods name was he stuttering all of a sudden .This woman was trying to kill him ,how could his name sound so exotic coming from her.

Addy was surprised and amused by Alexis.Never in her life has she heard the man behave this way .The way his ears turned pink all of sudden proved how embarrassed he was.It was cute in Addy's eyes.

"Can we go home now ?or do you two plan on drooling over the dammed table  ?"How could they shamelessly flirt in front of her.

"You haven't changed much Bridget ,I have to go ."Addy didn't even bother to wait for their response she got her handbag and left as confidently as a runway model but god knows how much of a wreck she was.He was confusing her...his emotions were all over and the way he kept stealing glances at her when he thought she was not paying attention.

"The next time you treat me like that Alex ......"

"Its Alexis not Alex ."he interrupted her annoying jealous spew of nonsense and left the restaurant. He just needed some peace and quite to think about his new life and his mysterious wife who had now given him a son.Could he have misunderstood her all this time?or was she always this calm?Anyway he had made his decision to get to know her and tomorrow is the beginning.

On the other side Bridget was furious ,all her plans were about to be destroyed by that doe eyed lunatic. She had hoped that Addy would be her usual timid self but it seems she had underestimated her.How in the world did she fall pregnant because she was sure Alexis spent most of his time with her.Addy had tricked him and she was going to find the truth about that baby .How could this happen when she had him where she wanted.Dialling a private number and waiting for the other to pick up
"Hello?yeah its me.She came back and with his child.We have to meet."

May the best woman win.

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