The truth hurts

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A lot of what Addy said kept bothering me all the way home. I just needed to clear my mind that is why I called my sister to babysit for the night .

I just thought about that night,I remember coming home drunk and Addy was in the kitchen eating ice cream and then I was all over her .

I still think my actions were justified ,I mean what man would not want to go all cowboy on a woman who is licking a spoon as seductive as if she is.....never mind.

She did kiss me back I think after sometime and then I think I carried her upstairs and to think I was drunk!What the hell did I do?

So I'm pretty sure we made love and I'm sure it wasn't just plain sex because I've never been that satisfied with a woman before.

I remember sobering up as soon as I looked into her dazed eyes that were so full of love that it scared the booze straight out of me. She loved me and that was why I said her name...I mean it was all cowardly since all I said was 'best sex ever Bridget '

I'm such an idiot for saying that.I had feelings for Bridget but they were not as strong as  for Addy.I mean I was almost addicted to Addy ,I remember after the divorce I slept in her room all the time and I would sit in the kitchen eating her favourite ice cream .

I was too much of a coward to admit that she had won my heart even though we weren't married under the best circumstances.

The truth is I tried to get to know her but she was so shy that I found it hard to talk to her.She would hide in her room and disappear as soon as I came home but now she was different. Even though she still had her shy moments but now its better than before.

Only problem is I hurt her again today and I know she hates me.I just find it weird that she still thinks Bridget is not pregnant .I did doubt at first that Bridget was pregnant but she showed me a picture of an embryo or maybe she was lying and then  there's the accusation that she tried to kill Addy.

After spending my time all alone at the park and in my own thoughts ,I decided to take the bull by horn and I went straight to her penthouse.

"Bridget!"to say I was shocked would be an understatement.There in the middle of the room was my supposed fiancé all glorious in her nines with some man humping the living day lights out of each other.

"What the fuck is going on?"They weren't even startled ,they looked irritated at my intrusion to say the least.This is  so unexpected.

"What are you doing here ?I thought you were at the hospital or at least preparing for a funeral." This woman is crazy and that would mean Addy was right.

"You're not pregnant?"I saw the man startled at that revelation.Does that mean he has been with her the whole time?

"Seriously Alex ?I don't get how you could think I am.The last time you even touched me was months back."She pulled on her robe and threw a irritated scowl at me.

"I trusted you!"I so wanted to strangle her ,how could she be this indifferent? She is just crazy.

"That right there is your problem.Look I really need to get laid so do you mind?"

"Do I mind?I'm marrying you and you're asking if I mind if you play slut house with him!" I was so angry with her and the fact that people knew I was being played made me feel worse.

"I want you out of my life Bridget and you better be prepared because the woman you almost killed Is coming for you."I should let Addy rip her to shreds and to think I defended her believing her to be innocent while she was just busy opening a whore house.

I lost Addy because of her and by tomorrow if she is still in that house she would be a lucky bitch.I am going to leave her with nothing ,not even a single cent.

How was I even going to apologise to Addy with all she has done to her.I ought to just plead and beg for her forgiveness .I can't go on without my little family and right now I need both of them. 

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