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+Chapter 6+

*not edited*


It had been seven month's since the ceremony. Shelby is now pregnant with a baby boy soon to be heir. I was still abused and since she was pregnant it was worse; them pregnancy mood swings.

I had made her some food, she wanted a burger, Ice cream and a salad. I had made all of those for her and as I was heading off to deliver the food to her my mother called for me. I dropped the food and covered it, then I went to respond to my mother. She looked at me hissing then started kicking, punching and slapping me for no reason: not that I was surprised.

Once, she was done she kicked me out.


I coughed up blood, dropped to the floor and lost consciousness. Upon waking up, I realized nobody had bothered to take me to the pack hospital.

Well then...

I got up to get Shelby's food. Hope fully she wont be mad at me. Pffft... who am I kidding she will as I'm a lot later than I should be and her food must be cold now.

As I arrived there I knocked on her door and a few minutes later Cole came to answer "Alpha Luna's food" I said bowing then handing him the tray.

"Finally" He hissed taking the trey from me and slamming the door in my face. Gosh I hate him. I went to the kitchen and began to clean up until an alarm went of, Shelby was rushed to the hospital, she was coughing blood and crying.

At first I thought it was contractions, but she was only a month 2 weeks long. "Alpha what happened?" The doctor asked. Almost all the pack members had gathered in the room including me, to check on her even though I hated her.

"I don't fu*king know doc! who's the doctor here" he hissed visibly irritated, she gulped then asked " when did she start all this?" She asked. "After eating". I gulped, suddenly feeling like the walls were closing in on me. "Okay..." She said taking some notes on her clipboard. "We will need to run a test on her. Only family allowed!" Everyone left leaving Cole with a crying Shelby.

We had waited, hoping desperately that the Luna was alright. I hoped not so she will die and someone else becomes Luna call my crazy if you want.

"You may all come in" the doctor said I gulped again as all of us went back into the room.

How could we all fit in here?

"From the test we ran, turns out she was poisoned by food given to her" Everyone turned their heads to me and growling viciously. I internally screamed wanting to pass out. Why me???

"I-I s-swear h-her food is clean, I-I didn't p-put anything i-in her food" I said raising up my hand in surrender.

"You Idiot didn't you hear the doctor she was poisoned!!!!" He growled, and I shrank in my spot wanting to pee myself. "I'm sorry Alpha" I mumbled. "Don't sorry me, your lucky they could get the poison out" He growled kicking me in my vagina

Now I wont be able to have a baby!

Then he grabbed my neck and pushed me to the wall, then he began to start squeezing my neck blocking my wind pipe.

Black dots clouded my vision. I clawed at his hands to release me, but he only tightened the grip on my neck, more dots clouded my vision. He kneed me in my stomach not releasing his grip until I almost blacked out. "Be at the front of the pack house in ten minutes" He hissed kneeing my stomach again.

I gasped for air trying to take it all in, my mother came and kicked my nose very hard and my father kicked my face and torso area.

Five minutes later and I still lay on the floor, my whole body was aching. My lungs where on fire, I probably broke my windpipe and my ribs and injured my lungs. My stomach was hurting like hell. I wanted to die right there but sadly the moon goddess didn't allow.

I stumbled as I stood up and began sort of crawling to the front of the pack house, maybe my legs were also dislocated from the contact with the ground when he dropped me.

I had two minutes to get there and I hadn't even left the hospital building.

One minute left I tried running but ended up on the floor. 55 seconds left I stood up and walked faster. 43 seconds left I was in the pack house. 34 seconds left almost at the corridor to the door. 15 seconds left at the corridor. 5 seconds left almost at the door. 2 seconds left pulling the door knob. 1 second left and I had made it outside.

I crawled to the front my whole body still aching.

"Your late" he hissed, not caring about the state I was in. "Here you will face your punishment. First my beating" He took two silver darts and aimed them at me, they hit my shoulders knocking me to the ground, he then grabbed my hair and got a silver knife then made a long line on my stomach before pulling it out and puncturing a hole into my stomach I cried out in pain and he smirks, piercing deeper.

Then he started twisting it as it got deeper, he tore my intestine's my organs everything, but he kept going until the knife got lost in my stomach. I screamed pulling at my hair trying to stop the pain "shut up you murderer" He hissed kicking me where the knife was. I yelled, screamed and cried in pain.

"Stand up" He hissed I tried reasoning with him to spare me but he only glared at me. "Second your whipping" He laughed like a maniac. "Alpha brother pleased the silver was enou-" I stammered, I couldn't even complete my sentence before he slapped me.

He took out his whip that was laced with silver, except the handle.

Today I die.

He made me kneel down as he removed my top exposing every inch of my body with marks no place or spot spared.

I shivered in fear and cold as the first slash made contact with my back. It hurt like hell and before I could adjust to the pain he whipped me again. I cried out in pain. He gave me another slap to my face with the whip making three lines on my face then he continued with my back, he whipped me so many times, I stopped counting at 30.

I looked my brother in the eye heart broken. My older brother, the boy supposed to protect me was hurting me the most.

"Last but not least your sentence" He said I gulped bowing down.

What could they do that is much worse this?

"You are banished from this pack, you must leave in two hours he said before leaving me and the pack also left after taking pictures.

Where would I go?

I questioned crying. I put my head in my hands and cried until my tears dried up and I couldn't cry anymore. I got up and ran to my cell I took my phone and some money that my grandparents gave me and some stolen money. I crawled out of the pack house and of the territory.

Follow your conscious a voice in my head told me

What are you? I asked in my head

You'll find out soon the voice in my head said. I didn't reply and started running. I'm joking I had to crawl since my legs weren't in good shape.

My stomach still hurt but oh well it would probably kill me I thought happily.

Morning had come and I was still going, I couldn't buy anything to eat cause of my stomach. "I hate Cole so much!!!" I growled. I crawled until I couldn't anymore then I passed out on the grass.

"What's that?" A voice said I fluttered my eyes open and five huge good looking boys where staring at me. "I'm so sorry if I trespassed your territory, I never learned how to know a territory or not. Please I can't harm anyone" I begged crying. A guy rolled his eyes grabbing my arm tightly "Your going to our Alpha" He said flinging me over his shoulder and walked towards somewhere.

My stomach was hurting, in fact my whole body my stomach the most probably because he was putting the spot on his shoulders blade. We reached a building, he unlocked it and we went to the top very fast.

When he opened the door someone said "MINE!" Then I passed out.

Author: mine!! yuhh baby, esketitt! 😏😏

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