A Whole New World

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-Sehun’s POV-

“Alas! I’m coming close to our backstage room and Luhan hyung said that there’s a gift that’s been waiting for me there. Oh how I hope it’s my favorite drink, bubble tea.” I clasped my hands together while smiling dreamily. It’s been minutes since I last drink a cup. I may be exaggerating but bubble tea is my life. A single drop of it is not to be put into waste so people’s lives would be better if they give me a lifetime supply of it from their own pockets.

Once I stepped into the room, I immediately hurried myself towards the table where my source of happiness lies in. I took hold of the cup and raised my arm up with a grounded laugh I release. I feel so powerful holding this. The brim of happiness sparkled through my eyes singing one of my favorite songs dedicated to this wonderful gift.

Slowly, I lifted up my drink higher than before to match out the first line, “I can show you the world.” Singing with more passion this time, my eyes sparkled even more as I sing the next lines of the lyrics, “shining, shimmering splendid. Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?” I brought the cup to my cheek as I nuzzle my cheek to the cold moist of the cup with my eyes closed, trying to fill in the spirit of my song to my drink.

I can…” I was left cut off as I was about to sing the next verse. The murmured sounds of the footsteps hovered along the rooms sunk into me. I’m certain that my hyungs are out there doing the interviews so it’s impossible for them to be back not until half an hour later.

“Omo!” My head turned left and right in search of a good place to hide myself. As I have found the very good spot, I took the moment of hiding under the table with haste. Since my hyungs can’t be back by now, fans, I supposed, sneaked in.

‘Fans aren’t supposed to be stumbling across the idols’ backstage rooms. Privacy. That’s all we ask.’ An annoyed miniature me popped out from my shoulder created by my imagination. I nodded at him as I once see my small invisible self.

Whispering to the little creature, “I know. How much effort do we need to do for them to be as normal as any fan could be?” I sighed in exasperation, shaking my head with the disapproved realizations brought by our very own fans.

‘But you have to be honest, this can open your eyes to reality, no, this had already opened your eyes that once you let yourself known in this big blue world, you can never take a step back and alter what your fate is.’

I was left speechless with his statement. Dumbfounded in fact. It’s true. It seems that the lesson he said was for me to ponder about if I did make the right decision to be a trainee of SM Entertainment and debut under the group name, EXO, from the very beginning.  ‘Did I really make the right choice?’ I never expected that chaotic life would be the next experience left by me being a member of EXO. Even though we have lots of haters, I don’t mind them but what disturbs me most are the fans that always bring trouble in every little move we do.

By mere breathing, it seems that they already know what air, whether it was tainted by dust or clean fresh air, we inhaled in and what mouthwash we used as we exhaled out. What good would this bring to them knowing every little detail about us? Can they not appreciate the songs and efforts we made dedicated for them?

I shook my head to clear those thoughts of, ‘No. I don’t want to quit because of the saesangs. I’ll do this for our true fans who knows to value respect over our privacy.’ I looked determinedly to the little guy and flashed me his smile in approval then he nod his head once.

Just like that, he poofed out again as the intruders finally spoke out.

“It’s been a while since I had you in my arms.” I slightly bended my head to the side to take a peek who the pair are and was surprised to hear Kris’ hyung’s voice. Isn’t he supposed to be with the others?

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