Chaos Theory (Cosmic Lovely)

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I am human and let nothing human be alien to me.


Starless Operative Zeke Hutchinson, “Z” to his compatriots, “Son” to his commanding officer, was about to let loose and piss his one-piece.

Comforted by the presence of the prayer beads tucked safely into his breast pocket, hidden from its usual placement around his wrist due to the formality required, he prayed to the Cosmic Virgin for deliverance.

He had that sinking feeling. The warning he wouldn’t be taking the shuttle off Home World to his birth planet to visit mama, as he’d been promising these last six months.

He wished he had spent the time and credits he’d considered too precious to waste in a confession booth before deployment.

What were five hundred credits for a truly repentant soul?

Should of, would of, could of.

“The General’s eye keeps twitching,” Zeke whispered to S.O. Jakob Valiant, who stood rigid in formation beside him. “He’s pissed or stressed.”

Valiant’s navy beret sat at a cocky angle. It was a violation of dress code, but Valiant was too relaxed to worry about the pithy fine of a hundred credits. His one-piece fatigues were standard issue taupe and made in the prior approved radioactive resistant nylon. At least he had the foresight to zip the suit to the neck, considering he usually wore the top half undone and tied around the waist.

“I wonder why,” Valiant muttered. “It’s not because aliens are threatening to enslave our planet.”

“What do they want?”

“Not too bright today, Z?”

Zeke resisted the urge to grin. He was used to Valiant razzing on him. He never teased back, Zeke didn’t have such a ready store of insults, but he scuffled with the best of them. His usual response to his friend’s teasing was to plant a fist in his face. “I’m going to remember that.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that before.” Valiant’s lips twitched. “Stellar. The task of enlightenment falls to me. You’ve got to read between the lines. These aliens arrive and pluck our world leaders from under their security detail without batting an eyelid. They’re returned whole, but terrified, can’t physically move their lips to speak, and are locked down in medical for psych evaluations. Then the Alliance Commander-in-Chief orders all military personal in reserve on Quadrant21 to quietly rendezvous at a top-secret facility. A cluster-fux rumoured to hold the last nuclear warheads known to man. Not only was this base a myth before tonight, it’s located in Quadrant103, one of the most hostile terrains planet side. Soon as the last man trained to wield a weapon, or fly a jet set foot off that piece of land, Quadrant21 was entirely cut off by a government imposed Quarantine. The military was advised it’s about to be wiped off the map by a freak disease they refuse to name. None of that seems odd to you?”

“How do you know all this?”

“I listen.” Valiant tapped his ear. “I’ve been paying for extra sense upgrades. I haven’t got a family to support like you. How is your mama anyway? Still making those delicious apple dumplings?”

“She’s steady. Asked after you once or twice. What does what you’ve said have to do with what’s happening here?”

Valiant shifted restlessly. “Stars, if we weren’t in formation I’d slap you. Some disease isn’t about to destroy Quadrant21. Our entire unit hasn’t been called here to witness this event as an ‘honour.’”

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