Chapter Five

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Lara stood in the middle of her single-roomed dwelling and stared at the middle distance, grinding her back teeth together. She was jittery. Not only did she have to deal with everybody thinking she used all her credit for freaky enhancements, her body was going through something.

At least the pressing need to learn about the weapons that lined her walls was gone now. The information she had on constructing weapons of mass destruction was tucked away in her memory banks, and her fingers no longer itched to test out the explosives she was able to create from substances as common as grain and bleach.

Should she be relieved or afraid she no longer felt the urge to gather such information?

She wasn’t stupid it was all connected. What she was, why she did the things she did, and why she needed to hide it from everyone. The question she had was why all of a sudden had everything either stopped or accelerated. She had noticed subtle changes in the last few months, as if her body geared up for something.

Her hair was driving her crazy. She used to dye it bright pink, now the colour wouldn’t hold on her new hair growth. It was that horrible freakish white-blonde. Worse, her eyes kept changing hue. It was like a kaleidoscope behind her irises.

Before it had been easy to lie about why she had fangs as enhancements, and why she had decided to dye her irises. Now the excuses were flimsy. She was a waiter for one of the slummiest strip bars in the quadrant. How was she making enough credit to keep altering herself? Nobody bought it. Even her boss was wary. He kept hinting that maybe it was time for her to pack up and move on.

She dragged on a lightweight bodysuit and grabbed her rucksack. It was already packed with supplies to last weeks.

Lara slipped her favourite laser knife into the secret compartment in her pocket. It stopped the weapon being picked up by the pesky BodyScan.

It was time to stop hiding, time to reach out and discover what was wrong with her.

She even had a place to start.

Grabbing her TalkMe, she scrolled through the blog that grabbed her attention months ago. Lara sniffed at the encrypted data hiding the blogger’s BMID, and started hacking.

Chaos Theory (Cosmic Lovely)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora