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They were kilometres away, but Amber still saw the detonation flash when Darien's improvised bomb exploded. A moment later she felt the shockwave as it slammed into the ship. Her aching arms gave out and her grip slipped from the steering column, sending her flying across the bridge until she hit one of the consoles. She wasn't the only one either, as anyone not anchored in place went careering around the room under the force.

The ancient vessel's armour held firm against the onslaught, absorbing the brunt of the impact. The superstructure creaked and groaned and one console overloaded, scattering fragments of thick glass all over the bridge. After a few long, frightening seconds, however, the shock dissipated. With a moan of effort Amber levered herself into a sitting position against the console she'd smashed into. Another bruise to add to her impressive collection.

She couldn't find the energy to move any further. She just sat there gazing dimly at her surroundings. The others picked themselves up. Vass shouted out for injury reports; none came. Tundra's squad leader flopped back into the chair of the gunner station, his feet dangling comically from the oversized seat.

The clattering of several pairs of booted feet broke into their stunned silence as Idas and his comrades from the weapon deck arrived on the bridge. She looked over to the hulking operative. His uniform was singed and several thin grazes ran down his left cheek, but he was very much alive. He looked around wide-eyed.

"Did we do it?" he asked, his voice subdued. "Is it dead?"

"It's still out there," Brannigan said, sounding stunned. "But it's not moving anymore. It's starting to sink. I...I think it worked!"

"What about Darien?"

No-one had an answer for him. They had no way to home in on his trauma beacon with the alien ship's equipment – they would simply have to wait for the call from the Manitta-Vanna. For what felt like minutes they sat with nothing but the humming of the engines to fill the void. Worry gnawed at Amber's mind. She knew it shouldn't have taken this long for the others to pick up Darien's beacon. Blink travel was instantaneous – there should have been no delay.

Eventually the waiting became too much for Vass and the impetuous squad leader made the call first to their companions. Although it was heartening to hear Niamh's voice on the other end of the comm her news wasn't good. They still didn't have a reading on Darien. If he hadn't managed to Blink away in time he would simply have been vaporized in the blast and there would be nothing to find.

More time ticked away and she felt a lead weight settle in the base of her stomach. The operatives on the bridge exchanged worried looks as the vessel drifted listlessly without her steering it. Little by little the ocean began to slide by and Amber's heart juddered as the impossible scenario started to become a reality. Despite everything, she'd never really allowed herself to consider the possibility that Darien might actually die...

"We've got a reading!" Niamh suddenly burst over the comm, her voice shrill with relief. "The trauma beacon's active. He's alive!"

Amber felt like she'd been hit by a lightning bolt and she straightened up in her sitting position. Electricity crackled in the air and the change in atmosphere on the bridge was almost palpable. Faces lit up, eyes widened and she could feel the energy flood through the room.

Then cheers exploded over the bridge as the young operatives finally let loose their emotions. The Leviathan was dead – they had won. Some went flying into each other's arms – Vass hugged the shell-shocked Chayze; Idas ruffled Brannigan's hair affectionately. Amber didn't move an inch, just letting the relief seep through her body.

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