act 7, scene 6

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act 7, scene 6
sleeping arrangements

JIMIN felt drained of all energy. he sluggishly walked throughout the space of his house, eyeing the sleeping creatures in various and odd locations about him home.

hoseok was sleeping in a makeshift hammock he'd forced jimin to create out of sheets and semi-sturdy blankets. he was hung in the archway of the kitchen, forcing whomever wanted to enter to have to duck.

seokjin was curled on the couch surrounded by a copious supply of candles, which jimin was wary of. It seemed like a fire hazard that would have him up all night in worry. yoongi's three other friends were sleeping on the hard floor.

taehyung had insisted on sleeping out in the complex garden, but with coaxing from yoongi and an odd look from jimin, he settled for the balcony instead.

this caused jimin to turn off the air conditioning, much to his displeasure. he wasn't comfortable with the boy sleeping locked out on the concrete hovering a few stories above the ground, so the sliding door was open in case he decided to come inside.

after shutting off all the lights, his home was illuminated in a soft red-orange glow from seokjin's candles. it felt peaceful, jimin realized, his eyes skittering across the strangers who were a little less than such, now, occupying his home. and maybe, just maybe, because it was the dead of night and everything was quiet, he felt serene.

he was bundled up in a gray hoodie that didn't belong to him—it was most likely one of his friend's, being that it slipped past his palms and rested softly at his mid-thigh. after shoving up the sleeves to his wrist multiple times, he told himself he'd just give the clothing to taehyung or jungkook in the morning. he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his basketball shorts, and padded over to the bathroom.

he could see from underneath the door that the light was off, so he pushed the door open slowly with the pads of his fingers, hoping it wouldn't creak. he peeked his head through the opening he made, and squinted into the darkness. "are you asleep?" he whispered, trying to make out yoongi's figure from the tub.

no reply was given, and jimin didn't want to wake him, so he shut the door as a softly as he could. once it clicked shut, he tiredly rubbed at his eyes and trudged over to his bedroom.

his day had seemed much longer than it truly was. he was deeply exhausted, feeling the sensation in the very core of his body and spreading out through his veins. all he wanted to do at this point was collapse onto his plush mattress and snuggle under his chunky woven knit blanket—it was one of jimin's favorite items.

his eyes were practically shut once entering his room. his lights were already off, and using his memory, he tracked his way to the bed placed in the center of his room against the larger, olive green wall.

he fell onto his bed with a thud and wiggles his way underneath his covers. once his head found a comfortable position against his pillow, he sighed in content.

"min jimin,"

jimin screamed.

he flailed around for a second, his hand flying up to the lamp resting on his bedside table and flicked it on. light flooded the room, blinding him momentarily (he was staring dead at the bulb).

"what're you doing in my bed?" jimin gasped, regarding yoongi with a bewildered expression. the shock of finding yoongi snuggled beneath his covers beside him had thrown jimin so off guard, he pushed himself to the edge of his bed.

rubbing the sleep from his eyes, yoongi said, "now you know how it feels."

jimin gave an incredulous look, having no idea what yoongi was insinuating.

"my pond, remember."

"your pond?"

"precisely, parrot." yoongi's voice was low and had a vibration in it, sounding like fatigue or exhaustion.


"why do you keep repeating me?"

"why are you in my bed?"

"i asked you first."

"no," jimin mused, propping himself up on his forearm, "technically, i did."

"uh," yoongi shifted his gaze as he tried to come up with an excuse, "answering machine 🅱️roke, we only got questions."

jimin was fed up now, having enough of yoongi's games. "get out of my bed." he kicked the older, shoving his heel against minty water boy's shin.

"no thank you." yoongi shut down quickly, grabbing his portion of the covers and pulling it up over his head. "hey, wait!" jimin wrapped his hands around the fabric, trying to pry it away from yoongi's clutches and reveal him once again. "that's not how this works."

"but i said it politely," yoongi pouted, peeking above the covers.

jimin's breath got caught in his throat.

"please let me sleep here, min jimin," yoongi yawned, "i'm tired."

and jimin would've protested, if only he could speak. if he could only bring his heart rate down to stop pounding so violently loud in his ears. suddenly, yoongi's image was sharp in jimin's view, and he didn't know how to feel.

"why are you staring at me like that?" yoongi whispered, hushed, barely above a whisper. and with the already low timbre of his alluring voice, it was that much more spine tingling.

"because i'm an idiot." jimin struggled out, and cleared his throat. the strain in his voice made it seem like he hadn't spoken in hours. "because i'm actually going to let you sleep in my bed with me."

yoongi smiled softly and gave a grateful, appreciative nod. "thank you."

and jimin could've died right there, because min yoongi had given him a peck on the forehead.

jimin's face flushed and his ears rang. "i–you're welcome?" it squeaked out like a question, but yoongi was already tuning him out with his shut eyes.

"good night, yoongi." jimin exhaled, watching the peaceful expression blossom across yoongi's features. and for a moment, he felt okay.

it ain't proofread y'all

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