act 8, scene 1

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act 8, scene 1

The first few days on his own, jimin was fairly okay. he spent most of his time helping his aunt manage her small restaurant, he hung out with his friends, and he did everything he could to occupy his time so he didn't have to think so much. because whenever he was in a standstill, he couldn't help but wonder about yoongi; was he okay; what is he doing; does he miss me?

he often found himself standing at the edge of the sidewalk of his apartment building, turned in the direction of the forested area where the pond was. the pond where everything had started—where they started.

he knew it when yoongi had left that day, that something in him had shattered. he felt it crumble and topple over in his chest, the debris rising up to his throat in the form of bile and a pathetic whimper. don't go was corded as tangles in his larynx, heard only after his door shut and his house drowned in deafening silence.

he hadn't slept well since then, busying himself with random things when failing to fall asleep. he would draw in his sketch book, skipping pages where yoongi had weaseled his way into. he would attempt to play the piano in the corner of his room, though his attempts fruitless as he hadn't played since he was in elementary school.

he couldn't fall asleep because every time he rolled over to face the vast emptiness of his bed, he could see yoongi: mint hair laid in a haphazard halo on his head and sprawled against the pillow. his form tucked in on itself in a fetal position, knees nearly against his chest that rose and fell rhythmically with each breath.

each breath that he seemed to have stolen from jimin himself without realizing it—with out either of them realizing it, and it only took yoongi's absence for jimin to feel the weight of his existence.

so here he was, once again, standing on his sidewalk and facing the forest with longing. his shoes caked in mud from the earlier rain and being out with the kids in the playground (one of the many miscellaneous jobs jimin worked time to time). the tips of his sneakers were inches off the edge of the pavement, ready to take off in a sprint towards the wooded area in less than seconds.

his mustard colored bag strapped tight and resting against his back, his hands distractedly playing with the adjustable straps falling at his sides. inside held his mostly completed sketch book, only a few more pages to go until he needed to purchase a new one. and as always, there was a change of clothes. this time, however, a pair for him and a spare that would fit yoongi. "just in case," he told himself each time he pushed the articles inside.

just in case he comes back.

he was half a thought away from turning his direction to help taemin and jonghyun babysit when he saw them; two indigo butterflies dancing above the path of the forest.

he watched them flitter out curiosity and nostalgia. he laughed quietly to himself once thinking whether they were the same butterflies that led him to yoongi's pond only weeks ago.

but there was no way, and he shook the thought from his mind before he could further delve himself into such fantasies. for a moment, it worked. he convinced himself that yoongi, along with the older's friends, were nothing more than a fantasy.

except that all subsided when more creatures came to the edge of the forest; deer, rabbits, dragonflies, hummingbirds and the sorts. it was almost as if they were beckoning him forthward, waiting for him to follow wherever they led.

and this time, he did end up stepping off the pavement and towards the trees, with hope and expectation that he'd see yoongi again.

watch me let y'all down and yoongi isn't at the pond.

watch there not even be a pond to begin with.

oh, the possibilities in which i could fuck up yalls minds.

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