Decorum Devil {2}

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Decorum Devil {2}

Every little detail about them was a contradiction.

“How are you, sister?” he replied. His face contorted with fury.

Within a blink of an eye, she was standing almost nose to nose with the man. Anger emitting from her very being and she spoke with so much venom that Silvia shuddered. She tried to sneak away from the scene but invisible chains tugged her back to her position. Her hands felt like they were chained to her side and her feet shackled together.

“Let her go, Agnotita,"  She whispered with such poison. Silvia could only imagine such a lady’s wrath.

“Mind your own business, Lagneía.”

“Do not force me, brother,” warning ringing clearly in her voice. Agnotita just shrugged nonchalantly, but the glow around him intensified and his faultless hands started to wrinkle and twist into hideous disfigurements; nails, black and blue, curved downwards while the structure of his hands turned boney and knobby. 

Silvia gasped as she watched the transformation with saucer like eyes.

“You will not destroy those who abstain!” her voice boomed into the night as everything else around them stilled.

As Lust glared into her brother's eyes, the street lamps started to burst and shards of glass showered onto the road.

Os o palaiόteros éna, apaitό na afisete!

The wind started whistling foreign words, and it felt like more than one voice was chanting at a time. Until eventually, it all merged into one feminine voice with many echoes. The lady just stood there, watching Agnotita as he squirmed slightly.

As the elder one, I demand you to leave.

English rang somewhere in the depths of the foreign recite. The invisible chains holding me down started to tighten; she could feel the cold travelling from her wrists and up to her throat. It felt like a snake was slithering up her torso, created from the unseen shackles on her ankles. Gradually, her confinements began to close around her.

Her reaction was in direct proportion to Agnotita’s. Lash marks appeared on his hands and face, red and bloody, his skin began to form cracks, through which searing white light poured and he screamed – screamed in so much agony. His cries filled the night that seemed to have come to a standstill.

But with his anguish came Silvia’s suffering. Her lungs struggled to get air and she heaved in desperation. The world started swaying in and out of focus and her throat shriveled to a pea sized opening; too small for the huge gulps of air that her body needed. Numbness crawled up her fingers and soon enough, her whole body was numb. As her heart dropped to a mere quiver, her eyes rolled back into her head and the darkness started sneaking into her, blocking life out. With a thump, Silvia dropped to the ground, the chains unraveling around her.

Agnotita was flung to the other side of the yard and Lagneía gracefully hovered to his limp form. She intensely stared at him, her body not making a single move; and then the cracking of his bones rung through the silence. His legs twisted at abnormal angles and his back arched way too much. His disfigured body lifted from the ground and with a snap of Lagneía’s finger, his head came clean off.

Silvia opened her eyes just long enough to see Agnotita’s head roll to her, stopping just as their noses touched. The last thing she saw was his dead eyes gazing deep into hers, then she let the dark succumb her.

“I may have saved you today, but indulge in Lust, and there’ll be no one more merciless,” Lagneía whispered into Silvia’s ear.

Lust walked away, as Chastity’s body evaporated into the air, his dust heading back to Purgatory for regeneration.

Both the siblings left an unconscious Silvia lying in frost covered grass.


Note: Agnotita = Chastity

           Lagneía = Lust

And Clara, thank you so much :) for everything. And my sister!

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