Birth of a Stone Heart {3}

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After that event, I was shunned by my brother; he loathed my very existence. He didn’t listen to me has a cried and begged for his forgiveness under the unwelcomed atmosphere of Purgatory. My pleas fell on deaf ears.

From then on, I carried two curses with me – my twin and my lover. I locked up my feelings and the only kind of mercy I spared was that of a quick death. But I not all hope was lost; Hadm made his appearance every fifty years, even if I didn’t find him all that often.

Hope, however, was the most lethal curse I had subjected myself to.

1950, England, London.

She walked through the smoky alley of London. People leisurely loitering all around her and kids running from one place to another. Being a lone female, a lot of eyes tailed her every step with a menacing glint in their eyes. But they did not scare her since they were mere humans while she was anything but. She purposefully strode towards her target, Sir Dale Benetton, who was currently harassing a widowed lady in the confines of the small bricked building.

She could hear the soft padding of worn shoes trailing her and from the corner of her eyes, she could just make out a murky shadow of her follower. She gave him no thought as she purposefully strode. She was invisible to everyone but those with lust in their hearts and soul and if this stranger could see her then she would have no issue annihilating him.

She turned into an empty alley way and a little into the dark, a firm and strong hand grasped her hand. She turned around with agility and struck him back. He went tumbled and rolled to the brick wall behind him. A low groan emitted from him as he picked his head up, his shabby hair falling onto his dark eyes and his pale face had a ghost of a smile lingering on it.

“You’re one strong miss,” he chuckled as he painfully hauled himself to a sitting position. His fine coat littering the dirty concrete while he sat and dusted his top hat.

Realization flickered through Lust and she rushed to his side.

“Hadm, are you okay?” she asked as she wiped the dust off his clothes using her palms, fussing over him.

“You know, Legneia, I’m not Hadm in every life,” he said with amusement. Legneia froze and looked at him in utter shock, “but of course, you may call me so if you wish.”

She stared at the familiar face that had never remembered her before yet here he was reminding her of the past they had survived together. She couldn’t move, she could hardly breathe. Her lungs were constricting painfully and her heart was on over drive; a sensation she had lost for centuries. Since the first time she felt all the butterflies and silly sensations was in Egypt, after which was only fear.

He stood up and offered his hand to her. She just gazed up from her position below, leaving his hand untaken.

“You remember me?” she stupidly questioned.

“As a matter of fact, my dear, I remember you very well,” he stated. Scooping down, he hooked his hands under her armpits and pulled her up. His hands slipped from her armpit to the small of her waist and she kneeled into him because her knees felt incapable to hold her weight.

Her hands crept around his toned stomach and she took a deep breath, letting his scent fill her completely. She started laughing, high on the beautiful feeling of reuniting with your loved one. Hugging him tighter, she let out more happy giggles. Looking up from his chest, she saw him look at her with adoring eyes, as if he had known her forever, and in her eyes gleamed so brightly with joy that it reflected in his dark ones.

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