3 - Empty Nest

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Nine years later, age sixteen.

"I'll be all alone soon, Mother."

"Nonsense," Celeste hissed.

"Oma is the last of your hatchlings and she's leaving today to find herself a Wizard. As soon as she does, you'll be off as well."

"Harry, you are my hatchling too."

The Syren boy just lay dejectedly in the dirt at the nests' entrance waiting for his sister to return from hunting.

As a pygmy Syren, Oma was incapable of reproducing the normal way. Celeste was unsure of the specifics, only that Oma would have to become a Wizards' familiar and that the Wizards' magic would allow her to bear young without the normal male component.

First she would have to search out a Wizard whose magic was compatible with hers and today was the day she would start her search.

Harry sighed again. "When will you be leaving Mother?"

Celeste hissed angrily and the green eyed Syren turned to her in shock. His mother was rarely angry and never with him. She was coiled outside the nest keeping vigil with him and now, as he watched, she stretched out her fifteen foot length in indignation unfurling her bat like wings. Her snow-white scales gleamed in the sun and the matching feathers covering the delicate wing bones stood up with her agitation.

Harry stared in awe.

"You will cease this ridiculous behavior this instant! You are my son in every way; you are my hatchling and as such I will not be leaving this nest or you until you are happily mated!" The majestic Syren lowered her head in misery, "Or do you not wish for me to be your mother?"

Harry gasped and slithered immediately to her. "No! No! Not at all! Don't even think that! I love you!"

He watched as her wings folded back up and magically sealed themselves inside her body, leaving behind only a feather soft patch of scales.

She lowered her head further, refusing to look at him, "Well, what else am I to think? You lie there like that and ask me such hurtful questions?"

Harry wrapped himself tightly around the distressed female. "I'm sorry Mother, truly. I'll stop being a prat, I swear."

Celeste smiled and the Wizard-ling noticed she looked a little too pleased with herself.

"You got me, didn't you mother."

"Yes dear. Feel better?"

Harry laughed, "Thank you."


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