13 - Lucius

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Sirius Black was still unconscious in the small infirmary of Riddle Manor so Severus returned to his rooms and got dressed. He, along with the Malfoys and Poppy had private chambers while the other Death Eaters stayed in the various guest chambers when making extended visits.

A tap with his wand to the amulet around his neck sent a signal to Poppy that she was needed at the Manor. The Medi-Witch had joined the Dark Lord only six months after his resurrection. Up to then she had been a blind follower of Dumbledore – until she had caught the man trying to stake a half-vampire student in her hospital wing.

The old fool had concocted some tale about the boy trying to attack him or some such, and Poppy played along while secretly owling the boy's parents and having him quietly removed from the school. Afterwards the distraught woman had sought Severus out and they had discussed her doubts and suspicions. Eventually the Potion's Master had brought her in to help heal the newly re-embodied 'Voldemort'.

Poppy had been understandably dubious, Severus mused as he approached the Malfoy suite, especially with the insane ranting and violent fits Tom had been prone to in the early days but she had persevered. He believed whole heartedly that the only reason his friend was still among the land of the living was due solely to Poppy Pomphry's skill and determination.

Lucius answered his door in his dressing gown, although he still managed to look impeccably groomed and unruffled.

"Good morning Severus."

"Good morning Lucius. Tom and I require your presence in the infirmary. Draco has had an...unexpected side effect from the bonding with his familiar."

The change in the blonde was startling.

"Is he all right Sev? Tell me what happened to my Dragon!"

Snape quickly put a hand on the agitated man's shoulder.

"He is fine Lucius; he's fine. He is a little nervous about your reaction, but is uninjured and whole."

Lucius exhaled and his aloof manner returned. He did however, motion Severus into the room. The Potion's Master sat in an arm chair by the cold fire while Lucius began pulling on clothes.

"Tell me."

"Apparently Draco gained the ability to be an Animagus from Oma – a snake Animagus."


Snape could almost hear the smirk in the other man's voice.

"Apparently Draco also fell victim to Oma's feminine charms."

He heard Lucius pause and then –

"Well that has been known to happen from time to time, hasn't it."

"Yes, so Tom has assured the boy. The problem, however, is that Oma is a pigmy-Syren and after their indiscretion, she turned into a woman. I theorize that the transformation is due to her being pregnant with Draco's child, but of course we won't know that for sure until Poppy arrives."

Severs waited and after a moment heard the 'thump' of Lucius hitting the floor in a dead faint. The Potion's Master smiled.

"Lucius, you are so predictable."

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