Facts about me cause I got tagged & im bored

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I got tagged by HiThere_Fren so ya. Here's 13 facts about me.

1. My name is Zoi.  It's pronounced Zoe or Zoey.

2. I have glasses.  Glasses squad!

3.  I have long brown hair.

4.  I have grayish eyes.  I don't know what my eye color is so I just call it pale blue or grey.

5. I like to draw.  Like a lot.  I have a problem.

6.  I have a art book.  #Shameless self promo

7. I LOVVVvEEeEe. Video games.  Minecraft and COD is life.

8.I have a little brother named Landon and he da bomb. He's five.

9. I'm pretty sure my mom reads my Wattpad books on her phone.  Hi mom!

10.  I'm a libra.  Libra squad!

11.  I tell puns a lot.  It's become a problem.

12. I live with my grandparents.

13.  Me and my grandma are going to the pet store today.  We may or may not get a cat.

I tag LolWutImGaryHoe , Fauna12356 , Cinder_paws23 ,Idiot-17 .  You all will suffer with me.  Luv you all!

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