'Tis the Season

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AN: Takes place during Christmas 2003, after Season 4; Episode 10 "Coming of Rage"

"I think we're going to have a new chess champion in the family." Nick looked over at Emma Grace as she talked to him about the chess game going on in the living room. Eleven-year-old Jennifer was beating her fifteen-year-old cousin Andrew at chess.

Nick looked over at twelve-year-old Anthony, fourteen-year-old Joshua, and the twin nine-year-olds Michael and Matthew who were playing Uno on the floor. "Who do you think will be the new Uno Champion?"

"Definitely one of the twins. They have that whole "twin telepathy going on when they're working together no one can stop them." Emma Grace couldn't help but smile as she watched the twins silently communicate with each other. 

"Did you decide to skip out on the glitter shower this year?" Emma Grace could hear the laughter in Nick's voice as he asked her that question. Nick's oldest sisters, Sandra and Donna, were helping seven-year-old Molly, six-year-old Brittany, and four-year-old Lauren make paper Christmas ornaments at the dining room table. "Nah, I'll take my turn for a glitter shower tomorrow." Emma couldn't help the smile on her face as she looked up at Nick to answer his question.

"Thought you'd be on the floor crashing cars with them." Emma pointed to where Nick's brother-in-law Allen was sitting on the floor on the other side of the room playing "race cars" with five-year-old Tyler and four-year-old William. 

"I think I'll save crashing cars for Christmas day," Nick said smiling.

"Is that your same thought about helping your brothers outside? After all, I know you love the cold." Emma Grace said smiling as she watched the younger Stokes boys play with their toy cars.

"I figured Kevin, James, and Robert have everything handled," Nick replied. his brother-in-law Kevin was outside gathering more wood, while two more brothers-in-law, James and Robert, were checking on the animals for the night. 

 "Kimberly and Jeff look happy, don't they?" Nick asked looking over at his sister Kimberly, and her husband Jeff, were sitting on the couch; one was holding two-year-old Lexi and another was holding seven-week-old Elizabeth. 

"They do. And I think Maya is going to fit right in with this crazy bunch." Emma Grace said glancing at Nick's brother, Chris, was sitting in one of the over stuffed chairs with his girlfriend Maya sitting on his lap. Nick's parents were sitting on the couch beside Kimberly and Jeff. The three couples were talking and getting to know Maya better. 

"Oh, I meant to ask you," Emma Grace started looking at Nick with a mischievous grin, "do you want some peanut butter fudge this year?" She couldn't help laughing at the face he made.

"Why don't we let them stick to making the fudge this year?" Nick teasingly asked nodding his head toward the kitchen where his sisters Lisa and Gina were with eighteen-year-old Ashely, fourteen-year-old Emily, and eleven-year-old Jessica cooking up Christmas candies and other Christmas treats. Emma Grace couldn't help but laugh again, remembering the Christmas she told Nick she only made peanut butter fudge; that was the Christmas they shared their first kiss.

"Okay, the hot cocoa and Christmas treats are done!" Gina announced as she, Lisa, Ashley, Emily, and Jessica came out of the kitchen carrying trays of Christmas treats. Per the Stokes family tradition that was started when the siblings were younger, all of the family members were in their Christmas pajamas. The family had a stack of Christmas movies to watch. The whole family loved to cuddle around in the living room, eating Christmas candy, drinking hot cocoa, and watching these movies.

The five teenage kids sat spread out on the living room floor with tons of blankets and pillows. Chris and Maya had brought the old bean bag chairs out of the attic, the couple was sitting on one bean bag chair while the four "tween" kids sat on the other bean bag chairs around the couple. Kimberly and Jeff were still sitting on the couch holding their daughters, and Nick's parents were sitting beside them. Bill and Jillian Stokes both had a grandchild sitting in their laps. Sandra and Kevin were sharing one of the three oversized chairs that were in the living room. Tyler was sitting in Sandra's lap. Donna and James were sharing the other oversized chair with Brittany in their laps, and Lisa and Robert were sharing the last chair. Gina and her husband Allen were sitting on the loveseat with Molly between them. Nick and Emma Grace were also sitting on the couch and Emma Grace was cuddled close to Nick.

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