Their first date

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(AN: takes place after season 5; episode 12 "Snakes.")

"Was your flight okay?" Nick had his arms wrapped around Emma Grace in the airport. Emma had her arms around Nick's neck and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. 

"The flight was fine, but I'm glad to be off that plane. I don't know how you've dealt traveling back home as much as you do and not get cramped." Emma Grace planted another kiss on Nick's lips as he smirked.

"Let's get your bag Sweetheart. Then we can head home." Nick took Emma's hand in a firm and protective grip as the couple walked to the baggage claim. Nick picked up Emma's bag, and the couple walked out of the airport.

Once out in the parking lot, Nick opened the passenger door for Emma Grace. "Thank you, kind sir," Emma Grace said giving Nick a big smile.

During the ride from the airport to Nick's house Emma Grace had Nick fill her in on the cases he had been working on since he had returned to Las Vegas after celebrating Christmas in Texas with the family. Nick told Emma Grace about the strange case of a man who dressed up as Sherlock Holmes and how that was the case that made it possible for Greg to pass his field placement test.

"So, Greg is a field agent now?" Emma Grace was excited for the younger CSI.

"He is, and he's excited about it." Emma Grace could hear the pride in Nick's voice. She and Nick had hours of conversations on the phone, and Nick had shared, on multiple occasions, that he thought of Greg Sanders as a little brother. Emma Grace had been privileged to meet and hang out with Greg on numerous occasions since last year, and she was quite fond of the youngest CSI team member.

Nick and Emma Grace arrived at Nick's home, and Emma Grace put her suitcase in his room and freshened up. Emma Grace had planned on staying in the house that she would be renting when she moved to Vegas in April. However, a pipe had busted in the bathroom last week and plumbers were coming in and out of the house fixing the damage.

Emma Grace changed into sweatpants and an old t-shirt. She took her shoes off and walked into the living room where Nick was sitting on the couch. Emma Grace sat down beside him and put her left arm around his broad shoulders so she could play with the small patch of hair growing back at the nape of Nick's neck.

Nick visibly relaxed at the comforting feel of Emma Grace's hand on his neck. "When we last talked on the phone you sounded pretty upset about the last case you worked. Are you feeling better?"

"I am." Nick gave Emma Grace a thankful smile.

"Talk to me, Nicky." It wasn't a command, but Emma Grace curled close to Nick's side and waited for him to start talking. Nick wrapped an arm around Emma Grace and brought her as close as possible to him. He proceeded to tell her about the journalist who was killed, and how the fact that a man killed a woman for fame upset him.

The couple watched a movie after they were done talking about their days at work. Emma Grace started falling asleep and waking up during the last ten minutes of the movie. "Gracie, let me put you to bed. Then I'll come in here and sleep on the couch." Nick whispered to the beautiful woman in his arms.

Emma Grace moved, so she was sitting on the couch facing Nick. She stretched and covered her mouth when she yawned. "I want to talk to you about something before we go to bed." Her tone of voice held no hint that what Emma wanted to talk about should worry Nick.

"Okay. What is it, Honey?" Nick asked as he moved a loose strand of hair from Emma's face.

"You know I have never had a problem with us sharing a bed. I don't have a problem with us sharing a bed now, even though we've put the dating label back on our relationship. However, Nicky, I want to take things slow this time. I don't want to rush into things like we did the first time. I don't want to mess whatever this ends up being up, but I don't want to lose this either. Are you okay with that?" Emma had stopped making eye contact with Nick during her speech, and she had taken up her nervous habit of fiddling with the end of the blanket that had been covering her and Nick during the movie.

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