two. Rebecca

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Rebecca was one of my favourite pretty girls. She was tall with blonde curly hair always tamed in a ponytail. She was slim and had the most beautiful bright blue eyes imaginable- I just had to keep them. I met Rebecca at a bus stop. It was raining and she was in her kit from cheer-leading practice. Her phone had died and her bus was late. Then I came past in my car.

"Need a ride home?" I asked her. She was wary at first, but she was late for dinner with her family. Of course, an obedient goody two shoes. Harder to corrupt- but I would never turn down a challenge. She bit her lip, looked around, then gave in, opening the car door and getting in beside me. You could tell from a mile off that she had a crush on me- I mean, everybody does. Well, they did.

"What's your name?" I asked her,

"Becky. Or Rebecca. It's up to you, call me what you prefer."She nervously said, fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

"I like Rebecca." I said abruptly. She gave me a small smile- I could tell I was intimidating to her- but although it felt good, I needed her to feel more comfortable around me. I needed her to trust me.

"So, how old are you Rebecca?" I asked her,

"I'm eighteen," Rebecca says shyly,

"Old enough to get a pint down the pub in England." I remarked, earning a giggle from Rebecca.

"I suppose, but I don't like beer." She said. Of course she didn't like beer... judging by her obedient and do-good persona, she probably tried a sip of her dad's beer at Christmas and never went out her way to see if she actually liked it or not.
"Of course you don't... a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be downing pints." I said, making her blush.
"Where do you live?" I asked her,
"58 Saint Grove. Like five minutes away."
"I need to stop off at mine first, do you mind?" I ask her, knowing that my plan was now in action.
"No, not at all...I just need to call my parents and tell them I will be late." She says, with a nervous smile.

"Well, lucky for you, I am part of the modern world and I own a mobile phone. But I don't have my phone on me to gawk at 24/7 like most people these days unfortunately.You can give them a ring when we pop into mine." I said charmingly . She giggled a little, and nodded her head.

It is odd how trusting some of these girls are- I mean, they don't know me. She really  thought I wouldn't hurt her. Bless her sweet little innocent soul.

"So. A cheerleader. Are you any good?" I asked her.

"I mean, I'm not the best. But I'm alright. I'm only doing it to really get someone's attention." She said. Oh... a boy perhaps? No wonder she's so trusting, she's boy daft!

"Who's attention are you shaking your pom-poms for?" I ask her, genuinely intrigued. I liked hearing the thoughts of these pretty girls- I wanted to know what really went on in their beautiful little heads. It fulfils me even more so when I rip away everything from them- knowing that they'll never get their kiss with their crush, grow up and have a family. These girls didn't deserve love and happiness- their heads are too full of their own thoughts and selfishness- like if they look hot enough to get little Todd or Jason on the football team's attention, if their good looks will drag him away from that total bitch of a girlfriend,Chloe,who doesn't deserve him 'cause she gets everything in life 'cause she's a total slag! They love to drag other girls down- when really they are all just slimy bitches who have no regard for anyone other than themselves.

"Well...there's this guy on the football team, Jeremy. His girlfriend doesn't deserve him, she's a total slag. I just really want him to be with me- and he only really goes for cheerleaders. He's looked at me a couple of times, though. I just have never had the guts to speak to him." She said. I knew it. I had hit the hammer right on her head. I mean hit the hammer on the nail's head.

"Well, if he doesn't notice a beautiful girl like you and would rather go with a quick shag,why do you think he deserves you?" I ask her. But I'm taking the piss- Jeremy can hump whoever he wants- a plotting little minx like Rebecca shouldn't determine who he likes and doesn't like. Becoming a cheerleader to get noticed from a sweaty little sex deviant like Jeremy is just such a desperate and pathetic attempt at achieving popularity. I could not wait to get this one over and done with.

"Oh, no, you're just being too kind. I don't think I'm beautiful at all." She said. Bullshit. You know you're beautiful, Rebecca... you're just fishing for a compliment to make you feel better about being so self conceited, if someone else says it then you have a valid reason to be so vain. You may be beautiful now, but trust me Becky boo, you'll be the ugliest girl when you're time comes.

"Rebecca, babe. You are a gorgeous chick, own it." I said, encouraging her ego. She didn't even say thank you, just gave me a smug little smile.

We pulled outside of mine.It was go time. I walked her inside and offered her a seat.

"A beverage?" I ask her,

"Yes please."

I went into the kitchen and took a coca cola out of the fridge and poured it into a glass. Then I added my own little twist to it. A nice little roofie dissolved in it with a cute little lemon slice on the rim of the glass.

I went back into the lounge and gave her my little concoction. She gave me a little thank you and took a drink.

"Can I use your phone?" She asked me.

Show time.

"What's the rush, Becky boo? Let's get to know eachother."

I seen the fear start to light in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Um, I don't... I don't have time, I just really gotta go home..." Her speech slurred, meaning the roofies were kicking in. I stared at her intently, with a little smirk on my face. I wasn't gonna give into her demands- I stopped doing that a long time ago.

"P-Please, I don't feel very good... I want my mommy..." She cried, knowing her fate.

I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead, before picking her up over my shoulder. By this time she was unconscious.

Well, you know what happened next. Don't be an idiot.

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