Chapter 5 / party x2

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He puts one hand on my back as he walks me to the empty movie room, I sit down making sure my skirt isn't rising up
"You look nice" I smile as I only just now see what he's wearing
"Thanks" he smiles shyly
"You do too"
We sit there for a second and the silence is nothing but comfortable, I don't feel awkward or anything, it feels.. somewhat right. But I still can't help but be angry.

"So how are you?" He asks seeming like he genuinely wants to know
"Um.. I've been good, what about you"
"Pretty good, you know been busy" he smiles
"Good busy?" I ask
"Yeah, I guess you could say that"
I don't know maybe it's because I was drinking but all I want to do is pick his brain, ask him questions about everything I've ever wondered about him.

"So why did you randomly ditch us, ditch me" I say looking at my feet that were red from my heels
"What" he laughs
"You just left us, we hung out everyday after school and even at school, we were together on the weekends, we did everything together"
"I know, I miss that" he says but doesn't answer my question
"So why? Why did you guys leave us, I mean we're all still really close, me and the guys but it just doesn't feel the same without you guys"
"I don't know" he says sounding like he was really didn't know
"I guess we started to take vine and YouTube a little more serious and even still going to school makes it hard, I guess weekends and after school were the only times we had to create videos" he says and I nod
"But like, you guys didn't have to cut us out, you could of still sat with us at school or something" I say lifting my legs up to the seat in front of me
He laughs but doesn't say anything, I think what I said really made him think

"Well I should probably go mingle with ya know, everyone" I say trying to stand up, he grabs both my hands and helps me up

His hands were warm and his grip is tight
"You sure you don't want to stay here?" He questions seeming like he doesn't want me to leave
I don't cave though because I feel like I'll just end up saying more dumb shit if I stay here.

"Nah I should probably go find Ally" I smile and he nods
He follows me out and back to the fire where Ally is making out with some guy
"Well looks like she's fine" I laugh
Matt walks over and sees her and instantly looks like he could cry, a mixture of anger and sadness rise inside of him.

"Matt, she's.. she's drunk" I say trying to grab him as he walks away
He doesn't say anything he just keeps walking
"I should probably go talk to him" I say and Gray nods
Matt and I have always been close so I knew he wouldn't mind me following him

I race back into the kitchen and don't see him anywhere, with all the people in here yelling and how loud the music is I can't even concentrate my eyes
"Have you seen Matt?" I ask some girl who's grinding on a guy
"Who?" She yells over the music
I roll my eyes and continue looking, I go upstairs but he's no where to be found.

I give up and walk back down to the kitchen when I get pulled into a game of beer pong... this defiantly wasn't a good idea.

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