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It was now Friday, the first day of rehearsal. You'd gotten there a little early, deciding to stretch and mentally prepare yourself, this would be your focus for the next few months. You'd gotten a text from Yoongi this morning, wishing you luck, so you felt pretty good about today.

Julia was running around making sure everyone was here and ready. Apparently you, Julia, and two guys were the main four dancers and there were six others who were background dancers.

You were nervous to have a partner. The last dance partner you had to have was really Jaebum. You just hoped that whoever the guy was you two danced well together, matched each other's rhythm.

You saw some guys dancing and messing around on stage. They all seemed to be having fun while Julia finished getting all she needed to start. One guy in particular who was really tall started grinding on the floor giving some particularly hard thrusts that made you gasp. You felt yourself getting wet from the sight but you pushed those thoughts away.

Last night you wanted Yoongi to come over and relieve some stress about today for you but he was 'too busy.' You were slightly angry with him about it but also a little worried about telling him that your brother and parents were coming to visit within the next couple of months. You weren't sure when you were going to bring it up but the situation as a whole had you stressed. You kept just trying to forget about it. You'd hope it would just go away itself.

Once you got on stage, Julia told you that you guys would be learning the group dance first and later on learning the coupled dance. You nodded and she told you she'd go ahead and introduce you to your partner.

She pulled you over the group of guys and you got nervous. The boy who you were watching earlier was who she was headed toward. "Yugyeom," Julia tapped his shoulder.

"Yes ma'am," the tall boy turned to face her with a huge smile. Your eyes widened at him. He was very good looking. His hair was fluffy, dark and reached over his eyebrows. He was muscular but thin. Plus he could dance which was always a turn on for you. His smile was sweet but what made him most interesting to you was the beauty mark near his eye.

"I wanted to introduce you to Y/N."

"Oh, my partner." He said excitedly, looking over at you. You smiled slightly back to him. "Nice to meet you. Julia told me a lot about you. Can't wait to work with you."

You nodded politely, "Nice to meet you as well, thank you."

"Alright, places everyone." Julia yelled. Yugyeom was still looking down at you but at your body. You caught his eye and he just smiled again. You looked away, walking to your spot as he followed. You were embarrassed that he was making you blush. God you really were horny.

Julia went through what the schedule would be like for practice during the week. She went over some parts of the dance, making you all dance most of the parts along with her. After almost two hours she let you go. You practiced every other day. She told you she'd see you on Monday. Monday's apparently were specifically just for the couples dance.

Julia thanked you for all coming and gathered her stuff for a class she had to go to. The boys started to dance around again. You watched everyone quietly as you got off stage to gather your things. Everyone knew each other so you felt almost left out.

You didn't want to feel bad for yourself, knowing Taehyung was waiting for you at home. You were watching Yugyeom, trying to get a feel of who and what you'd be working with. You hadn't seen him around before but he was good, really good. You could see why Julia picked him. You had snuck some glances at him while you all had be listening to Julia speak earlier. You couldn't deny he was attractive and would probably be a fun and really great partner.

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