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a.n last chapter dudes! epilogue comes out next! this is probably going to be my favorite chapter. 

what chapter did you guys like? this chapter takes part before she runs off

what did you like about this book and why?

  Alejandro held the hand of Kimiko and guided her to the dance floor. He noticed the sly smirk that his father held as he led her to the side of the beautifully patterned floor where many couples were dancing gracefully.  His dance partner placed her hands on his shoulders and instantly, he noticed how her hands did not make him feel things that Athena did when she touched him. But, as fast as that thought came, it disappeared as quick once Kimiko opened her mouth.

    "How are you, Alejandro?" she said easily, her accent coming through thick and clearly as she stared at the handsome man before her.

     "I am well, and how are you Kimiko?" he replied quickly, his gaze landed behind her as they swayed on together on the dance floor. His hands held her lips loosely.

      "Same as you, your father has told me you study literature and business, very good choices I must say," she commented and frowned as he noticed how distracted he was.

       "Thank you, do you go to university as well?" he asked her, his eyes finally landing on hers and a small smile graced her thin lips.

       "Business and engineering, I know, the heir of Hamada Hotels studies electrical engineering," she chuckles to herself as if finding the entire situation funny. A genuine smile and a small laugh escape Alejandro lips at her own laugh, a small snort escaped her lips.

     "I think it's pretty cool, I would never take up an engineering course," he admitted and Kimiko gives another chuckle.

     "Same goes with me, I'd never take up a literature course," she giggled, her entire face lighting up.

    'She is very beautiful, but not as beautiful as Athena, speaking of-" Alejandro thought to himself before looking over Kimiko's shoulder and noticed the sullen face of his date who stared at him with an emotion he couldn't decipher.  A frown managed to sway against his lips as Kimiko talked aimlessly about her studies, not noticing how Alejandro stared at the girl behind her.

   Guilt overwhelmed him, it consumed his entire body and his mind drifted off to how stupid he was being.

  'I left my date for someone else,' he thought to himself with the heavy emotion laying on his shoulders. He knew he shouldn't have left her alone for Kimiko, it was entirely his fault and now he was paying the price. As he saw the small frown grace her beautiful lips, a sad expression appeared on her face, striking him in the heart. He hated her seeing this way, especially if he did that to him and the more he danced with Kimiko, the more he noticed how sad she was. He gritted his teeth, wanting to leave Kimiko and go straight to Athena.

  But unfortunately, he was too much of a gentleman to leave Kimiko hanging.

   "Are you okay?" asked Kimiko with uncertainty, finally noticed his sullen expression of longing behind her. It had easily snapped him out of his thoughts and looked at her.

    "Y-yeah, I'm fine. What do you do as heiress of Hamada Hotels?" he asked her quickly, trying to distract himself from the beautiful girl behind her. He knew it was wrong to be doing this, Athena couldn't escape his thoughts even if he tried and the overwhelming guilt didn't help either.

     Kimiko, with a questioning an expression sighed and begun to talk about her daily duties. Alejandro tried to look interested, his gaze unwavering from his current dance partner and nodded every once and a while. Kimiko seemed so engrossed in talking about her duties, that it helped him becoming distracted for just a fragment of time. He gave her a small smile, Kimiko gave one back and they continued to dance for a few minutes.

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