S.E.V.E.N.T.E.E.N.: Small Seeds, Mighty Trees

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|| "It was once said that faith the size of a mustard seed could move mountains. Mustard seeds are interesting, tiny little things. But once they take root, they grow into tall, powerful trees. I guess, just like faith. Faith in yourself, once you realise you can do something and give yourself the room to try, that strength grows. It becomes mighty, even on the days you feel the axe of self doubt swing against your trunk." ||

Walking to the post office or corner shop was still a mini-marathon. But a pleasant one that I was getting more sure of. The cool breeze brushing my skin and the relish in the feeling of relative freedom.

I was never alone. I had my thoughts for company and a silent friend. The afternoons when it was Percy with me; took me back to the days just after my eyes had opened. How much I enjoyed the ability to step foot outside the hospital doors. Only now, he didn't have to watch so closely. My legs were becoming strong, the muscle appearing as if by magic, but really by a lot of pottering about and standing hours on end trying to paint my mind. I felt less pale, not so paper thin as I did.

The best part. I didn't owe it all to him. I didn't owe it to my aunt. I didn't owe it to anyone but my own determination. They had helped indefinitely. But I had made the journey. Like a kid who just learned to tie their own shoes will not share glory for their efforts, I hold firm to the fact; I overcame the mountain.

I had started making inquiries about my art, as had my 'support team.' I wanted to get a job, start earning some money and paying some keep. A conventional job wasn't really an easy thing to acquire given the circumstances and I had decided I didn't want to return to college. Not for a while anyway. The option that presented itself was my art. Percy thought I could illustrate a book of imagined memoirs from my days sleeping and those that followed, to help others unaware to know that they can battle their own dragons and win. The thought made me smile, he had more confidence that a project like that could get published than I had in my work combined.


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