Chapter 4

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Alexa Pov

"How? You bled out, didn't have a pulse." Ryan said

"Magic and the beauty of having Hetty as a boss." I said

"So all of this was staged to make Memo drop his guard?" Deeks said

"Why weren't we informed?" Callen asked irritated

I could tell he was a little upset.

"Hetty said we needed your real reactions for it to work." I said walking up to him "What? No hug?"

He rolled his eyes, kissed me and hugged me.

"Come here." Deeks said hugging me "The next time you need to fake your death, tell me please."

"No promises." I say

"Well who's up for a beer?" Deeks asked

"Me." Sam and Kensi said

"I think we'll pass, I would like to spend some time with my girlfriend now that she's back from the dead." Callen said putting his arm around my shoulder

Sam dropped Callen and I off at home and left. We walk in and I see broken glass.

"Callen, why is there broken glass?" I asked slightly alert

"Oh don't worry about that. That was me." He said noticing how close my hand was to my gun

"What did you break?" I asked as I walked the corner seeing a broken picture frame

I pick up the picture frame and it was a picture of us at the Santa Monica Pierre.

"Why did you break this?" I asked sliding the picture out of the busted frame

"It was the day we all thought you died, I walked in and saw the picture and it just made me so angry, that I couldn't stand to look at it anymore. So I picked it up and slammed it as hard as I could on the ground." Callen said

"If I could have I would have told you." I said setting the picture down on the counter going to him

"I know, you would have, but although it was all staged it felt so real. I mean we do everything together, not having you around was painful. Not coming home with you, eating with you, sleeping next you, and then waking up with you not there. I wanted to go AWOL, but I couldn't do that to you. Even when you were "dead" I still did right by you." He said

I smile and went and sat in lap

"I love you. I will fight to stay breathing no matter what happens. I'm not gonna leave you." I said

"I love you too. Always will." He said

"How about we watch a movie?" I suggested

"Sure, why not." He said

"Okay, you find a movie on Netflix and I will cook us some dinner." I said

"Sounds good." He said

I get off of his lap when he pulls me back down to kiss me. I go to our fridge and pull out some pork chops, potato and onions. I diced up the onions and the potatoes and got them cooking on a pan. I went to the meat and cut them in tiny squares and got that on a pan as well. Soon enough they were all cooked and I put them in a bowl and mixed them together. I grab two spoons and bring the bowl to the coffee table. I set it down along with the spoons. I go back and grab two wine glasses and a bottle of wine. I poured it into our glasses and sat down. We ate and watched the movie, I wish we could have more time to do stuff like this.

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