Chapter 8

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Alexa Pov

"What do you want?" Hetty asks coming up front

"For NCIS to feel the lose I felt when you ruined me. I lost EVERYTHING. My wife took my daughter from me, I intend to take her back." Daniel says

"No one forced you to make the choices you did. It's your fault you lost them." I said and I soon paid for it when he slapped me

"You son of a bitch!" Deeks say and he and Callen try to charge at us but Kensi and Sam hold them back, Daniel had his finger on the button of the phone that triggers the vest

"She has a smart ass mouth. Now I know emotions are high so I'm gonna allow that. But know this: I don't give second chances, I will shut this shit down faster than you can stop me." He threatens, "Now Alexa and I are gonna take a ride somewhere, follow us, she dies. You have 1 hour to get 5 million or once again she dies."

He proceeds to shove me out of the building and into the car. He puts me in the trunk and shuts it. I hope to God I can get out of this alive.

Callen Pov

"We have to go after them." Deeks says trying to leave but I stop him

"He'll kill her. We don't need to follow them, I can track her from here." I said pulling my phone out

"What are talking about?" Deeks ask

"Her necklace. After her kidnapping the first time, I had a tracker be put into the necklace I gave her."

I look at the tracker on my phone and see that they have come to a stop. They were in an abandoned parking garage.

"Found her. Hetty, how are we doing this?"I asked

"Normally you and Mr.Deeks would be taken off the case but she is one of ours. You are the leader of this team, I am giving you the authority of how you want this to be operated." Hetty says

"Sam, call SWAT. We set up 2 blocks away from behind the building. Let's go." I say and we leave

Alexa POV

We were in an abandoned parking garage, he had me tied up and sat against the wall.

"Its impossible to get 5 million in an hour, it just isn't possible. "I said

"Well if they care about you enough they'll make it happen or you die. That's how this works."Daniel says

"Oh please. You were never gonna give me back alive, no matter how it went." I scoffed

We heard a noise and he turns around. He took his gun out and pulled me to my feet.

"They were warned not to follow." He says

"We didn't. We're just that good." I heard my brothers voice say

We turn around and see him and the team. Deeks then takes the shot, killing Daniel.

Since my feet were also tired I couldnt run to him as much as I wanted to. Deeks comes and cuts my ties. He pulls me in a tight hug.

"This has really got to stop." He says

"You're telling me." I chuckled, "Wheres G?"

"Right here." I hear him say from behind me

I go up to him and before he could say anything I jump on him, wrapping my legs around him and kissed him hard, he matched my kiss. I hear Sam and Kensi cheer.

"Okay. Okay, I dont need to see my sister get intimate please." Deeks says and we laugh

"What was that for?" Callen asked

"That is my apology for making you worry so much." I said jumping down and turn to the rest of the team, "How did y'all find me anyway?"

"Ask your boyfriend." Sam says and I look at Callen confused

"The necklace you're wearing is the one I gave you a few days ago. Before I gave to you I had someone put a tracker in it just in case something like this were to happen." Callen explained

I smile and kiss him again, "That's sweet."

NCIS: LA The Lost Agent Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin