(NEW) The Glow of Lusty-ness...

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I was in full, mundane Sunday morning swing when I passed Ben in the underground parking garage. Typical! I was dressed in my Sunday worst, hair pilled up under an old cap that read, "Cobra Exhaust pipes", some ridiculous thing our clients had sent us all. They thought it was a stroke of creative genius, though, the way the picture of the exhaust pipe reared up and morphed into a snake. I was carrying a basket of my dirty laundry, undergarments included, and in the other hand I had a black bag full of bottles for recycling.

"Well hello there." His voice had this ability to stop my world. It was utter madness, but every time I heard it, I felt transported out of myself, de- atomized, scrambled and then reassembled like a sci-fi transporter beam. I turned and found him standing only a few feet away from me, how had he managed to get so close to me?

He, on the other hand, was not dressed in his Sunday worst. He was sporting some full dapper suited look that was enough to turn ordinary woman into blithering idiots.

"Ben!" I said."Ben. You."

"Sera. Sera Holmes. Sera Holmes. " He looked me up and down and smiled and I suddenly became very aware of what I was wearing.

"Laundry Sunday." I said defensively tugging on my oversized shirt.

"It's a good look for you." He took a step closer, reached out and stuck a finger through the hole in my shirt (The classy one that I'd gotten free with that box of washing detergent about ten years ago.) His finger grazed my stomach and skin pebbled in response to it.

"They're not pink, though, but they're just as sexy." His voice dripped with sex and filth and danger.

"Huh?" I followed his eyes down to where they were currently fixated and saw the white cotton panties on top of the laundry pile. I quickly shoved them into my pocket, which only caused his smile to grow.

"You're such a pervert." I said trying to avert my eyes away from that deadly, quicksand smile that you could get stuck in if you didn't have your wits about you.

"And you're such a tease." He said. "So, have you done much thinking overnight?"

I tried to stop my smile, "Contrary to what you might believe. I don't spend all my spare time thinking about you, Ben."

"Really?" He asked, "that little smile on our face seems to suggest otherwise."

"Arrogant!" I quickly replied.

"Enamored!" He said, my heart skipped about ten beats.

"Overdressed."I pointed at him.

"I could say the same for you." The look in his eyes changed as I felt my entire body shiver under the intense stare of him trying to undress me.

"Like I said, pervert!"

"Perhaps there's more to me than meets the eye. Something you might discover when you go on your first date with me."


"You know, it would be great if we had a conversation that didn't only consist of three syllable words. But unfortunately not today, I have to go to work."

"On a Sunday?" I asked.

"This calendar thing is becoming a bit of an issue."

"Sorry to hear that."

"We need to present the client with our big, awesome idea tomorrow afternoon so we can shoot later this week."

"Not a lot of time."

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