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The three boys let themselves into the dorm, and Jimin greeted that. He hugged NamJoon.

"I am glad that Jungkook warned you two about the fight before anything bad happened. I wonder what was in the needles that were injected in NamJoon and Jungkook." Jimin babbled as they sat down at the table and watched NamJoon bother Jin and Jungkook in the kitchen. Yoongi just yawned.

"Daw, you don't think I'm boring, do you Yoongi?" Jimin made a pouty face.

"No, Jimin-ah, I just want to go back to sleep."Yoongi yawned again and set his face in his arms, eyes drooping. Jimin laughed.

"But you sleep all the time!" Jimin mimicked Yoongi and smiled, "Come on, don't fall asleep before breakfast," Yoongi buried his head deeper into his arms and mumbled, "screw you," Jimin reached over and tugged gently on one of Yoongi's ears, making him flinch and glare at Jimin, who grinned sheepishly.

"Jimin-ah! What was that for?!" Yoongi growled under him breath, but Jimin was saved from the wrath of Yoongi by Tae setting a heaping plate of eggs in the middle of the table. Nam-Joon came next Jungkook following him.

"You better not break anymore dishes Hyung!" He exclaimed as NamJoon teetered to the side to avoid dropping his plate. They all started to dig in, talking loudly over each other as usual, and laughing. It was like nothing had ever changed. Tae was trying to get Jimin to eat some bread, while Jimin shouted and pushed him away.

"Jimin! You are too thin! Eat bread!" Tae said as he started to laugh at Jimin spitting the bread onto his plate. He ate a small bite of eggs instead and Tae beamed in victory. Yoongi picked at his food grumpily, still mad at Jimin for pulling his ears. Tae was finished bugging Jimin, and started trying to steal Jungkook's chopsticks. Nam-Joon and Jin sat next to each other, Nam-Joon stealing glances at Jin, whose face reddened everytime he did so. Hoseok eventually noticed.

"Hey, looks like we have a few love birds here," He said and wiggled his eyebrows at the two boys. Jin nervously chuckled, but Nam-Joon had a comeback.

"Oh yah, and would that happen to be you and Yoongi?" Yoongi's head shot up and he felt the heat rising to his face.

"Hmm, let me think about that one," Hoseok tapped his chin, "Yes, it is," He leaned over and kissed Yoongi, leaving NamJoon with his jaw hanging open. Across the table, Tae started a quiet, "ooooooooohh" with Jungkook and Jimin equally distraught. Jin chuckled.

When they broke the kiss, Yoongi glanced at the others and was startled when he saw Jimin with tears filling his eyes. The boy said he was full and disappeared into his room. Yoongi jumped from his seat and followed him. He knocked softly on the door but Jimin ignored it. Yoongi opened the door gently and saw Jimin on the floor next to his bed.

"Jimin-ah, what's wrong?" Jimin jumped and started wiping his eyes like crazy. He shook his head.

"N-nothing, I-I'm fine," he said, fresh tears leaking down his face as he said it. Yoongi sighed and sat down next to Jimin. He shyed away and continued to wipe furiously at the tears streaming down his face. The ends of his sleeves were soon soaked and he gave up. Yoongi felt uncomfortable, and tried his best to comfort the sobbing boy. Tae peeked into the door and Yoongi slammed it in his face. He heard Tae yelp in surprise and run down the hall.

Jimin laughed quietly to himself. Yoongi turned his head back toward Jimin. The boy had stopped crying, but was on the verge of bursting out in tears again. Yoongi's brow furrowed in concern.


"Just go, cat-boy" Jimin said in a mocking tone that made Yoongi fall back in surprise.


"I said get out you ugly mutant. I don't want you near me and no one else does either! Hoseok is just using you!" Jimin didn't mean what he was saying, just bullying Yoongi into leaving him alone and making Yoongi feel bad, but Yoongi didn't know and it was his turn for tears to nearly spill over. He turned and bolted from the dorm, startling everyone at the table as he sprinted down the hall to his dorm. locked himself in his bedroom and hid in his closet. Normally, he would shoot an insult back and everyone would laugh, but he couldn't shake this one so easily.

"I am not an ugly mutant," He told himself, but the more he said it, the less he believed it. Soon someone was knocking at his door, but Yoongi ignored it, even when he heard several voices yelling for him to open the door.

"Why don't you go worry about Jimin? He seems upset. Don't bother yourselves with me!" He shouted, "After all, I'm just a burden to you all!" Several surprised gasps came from the other side of the door. Then Hoseok's angry muffled voice drifted into the room and Yoongi heard him storm away, along with several pairs off feet scampering after him. This seemed to only confirm the thought that everyone hated him and he burst into tears.

Then there was a soft knock at the door. Yoongi yelled to be left alone, but the maknae he heard on the other side of the door was not going to be denied. Defeated, Yoongi opened the door and NamJoon and Jungkook stood out side. Jungkook had a plate of food and offered it to Yoongi.

"You didn't finish breakfast, was the explanation as the two boy pushed into Yoongi's room and sat down on his bed, clearly waiting for Yoongi to talk.

"D-do you think i'm... i'm an ugly mutant?"

Changes-hybrid yoongi (Yoonseok)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon