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Jin leaned over the fence and rubbed the fur behind his cougar's ears. He laughed as the trainee jumped when NamJoon grabbed Jin's hand gently with his teeth. Jin had gotten a job at the sanctuary, so he got to see NamJoon every day.

Hoseok approached Jin from behind, holding Yoongi in one arm, who batted at one of the strings on Hoseok's hoodie. Tae had Jungkook hopping around his feet. Jin's boss let them hang out and bring the other animals with because they all were so fascinating to her. She was leaning against one of the Jeeps, watching as Yoongi sauntered down the fence and NamJoon playfully pushed him off of the fence post.

They seemed happy right? Every night, however, Hoseok cried. He cried because of all the pain his kitten went through, he cried because he would never get to kiss Yoongi's pink lips, he cried because he wanted to one day marry Yoongi, and he would never get the chance.

Hoseok finished up wiping the counters of the cafe he worked at. The same one Yoongi had stopped by before all of this craziness had happened, almost a year ago. Yoongi leapt up onto one of the wall that divided the booth and layed down, lazily watching Hoseok take orders. The kitten slowly closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep.

Well there you have it. The end of the book. Sorry it's so short, don't kill me. But did you get what i did? Start in one place and end there too. Anyways, thank you for reading this book and I'll immediately start working on the second one

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