A Love Like War (Larry Stylinson) AU

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A Love Like War.



Do you know that awkward moment when you wake up at the sound of sirens? Well, neither did I.

"Fuck, Harry. Get up!" Luke, my roommate yelled from the other side of the bedroom. I looked at my blond friend and he was already with his clothes on. Skin tight black trousers, an All Time Low hoodie and some shoes. What? I rolled to my side and saw it was almost 3 a.m.

"Luke, are you kidding me?" I asked sitting up. I saw he had two big bags next to him.

"Do the sirens outside sound like kidding you? For god's sake, Harry. Get your fucking ass out of the damn bed. We gotta get out." He yelled again.

"But, what's the matter?" I got up and the blue eyed guy run to my side and made me walk to the big window in my room. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was fire outside, but not just in a house or two, everything was on fire. People running here and there. And a lot of cars driving in an incredibly fast pace. "Luke, what's happening out there?" I turned around to be hit by some clothes on my chest.

"Get dressed. I've got Calum waiting outside in a black van" He started running around the bedroom looking inside my wardrobe and drawers. I put the skin tight jeans and the blue shirt on before slipping in my military boots. I run my fingers through my hair and suddenly a horrible noise came from downstairs. "Fuck" the blond mumbled. "We can't go downstairs" he said before taking a bag and opening the window.

"Luke, what do you think you're doing?" I asked terrified. Was he thinking about jumping down? And why? Who entered our house? What was happening outside? What were we running of?

"Saving our poor asses" He looked at me and indicated me to take the other bag. "C'mon Hazz!"

"We are not jumping, are we?" I looked at him with pleading eyes. There had to be another way out. When I saw how he passed his long legs above the window frame, I knew the answer. Please God, let me know this is a joke.

"There is a freaking bush down there. Man up!" The blond shouted before jumping and falling almost in slow motion. He reached the floor with a thud, but he wasn't bruised or anything. Oh my, I had to jump now.

"Isn't there another way?" I complained setting myself in a position to jump.

"Just jump!" he scream-shouted. After hearing someone knocking at my bedroom door I knew it was time to jump. I shut my eyes and let myself fall. It all came in slow mo after that. I reached the floor and got up to run behind Luke, who was running to the before mentioned black van. What was happening? "Luke!" I shouted. He didn't turn around, but I had to tell him this. "Luke!"

"What, Harry? What!?" He suddenly stopped and turned to face me.

"Look" I pointed at a group of people that was coming our way. If they were people. They walked rather slowly and looked...lifeless. Were they...dead? Was that even possible?

"Fuck, Harry, run!" he took my hand and we run until we finally reached the van. "Open the door, Hood, before I knock this over!" The blond opened one of the back doors and got in before helping me up and closing the door behind me.

"Hi" a black haired guy said with a smile. He was sitting on the driver's seat and there were two other guys in the van. One on the passenger seat and the other one next to Luke. The black haired guy looked kind of asian, but not really. He was hella cute. "My name's Calum"

"Hello" the guy on the passenger seat said with a bigger smile than the one before. He had curly chestnut hair and big green or maybe hazel eyes. His dimples were showing and I had to admit we looked kinda alike. "I'm Ashton"

"Hey Ash" Luke smiled at the curly haired lad and Ashton blushed.

"And I'm Michael" The guy next to Luke said suddenly breaking the moment. But... what moment? His hair was dyed red and black and his eyes were blue or grey. I didn't know what to say. It was freaking 3 a.m. in the freaking morning and it was dark!

"Guys!" Luke shouted looking from the window of the car "We have to leave before we become zombie food"

"Oh, yeah" Calum said and turned around to start the car. Zombie food. Zombie...Zombie... ZOMBIE?

"Zombies!?" I yelled looking outta window. We already were driving fast enough not to distinguish with clarity what was on the outside.

"Welcome to the war" Ashton turned a bit around to say that and started smiling.



This is my first Larry fanfiction, and as you see...this is a bit... creepy story. So if you like it, let me know!



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