Chapter 3

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A Love Like War.

Chapter three.


Luke, Ashton and I followed the king of everything to a big building. It could have been the town hall when the city wasn’t almost destroyed. This town hall looked dirty, grey and dull. Louis stepped in an office. It was big and no one was inside. There was a huge desk with a black armchair behind it and a couch facing the desk, from the side that there was no armchair.

“Sit down” Louis demanded walking to the black seat. The three of us sat on the couch waiting for Louis to talk. He was looking at us with so much hatred that I thanked God that stares couldn’t kill. We kept waiting for him to say something but he didn’t.

“Hi” Ashton greeted shyly, trying to have a response from the blue eyed boy.

“Aw, how cute” Louis said sarcastically “You think you can talk to me without being punished” Punished? I saw the horror in Ash’s eyes and suddenly Luke was standing in front of the green eyed lad protecting him.

“Don’t you dare to lay a finger on him” the blond stated coldly.

“I won’t” Louis smiled mischievously while a girl entered the office. She had long brown hair which fell to her hips. Brown eyed, tanned, tall and slim, she was wearing a black tight tracksuit which covered all her body. With a fast move, she pulled Luke out of the way and took Ashton’s hand in her and made him stand up. “She will”

“No!” Luke shouted and started to run to the girl’s side, but he was taken aback by someone holding his arms on his back. “No! Ashton!” He shouted again. But it was no use; the girl had taken the curly haired lad out of the room.

“That was Eleanor, isn’t she lovely?” Louis asked and Luke spit on the floor. His eyes were bloodshot like if he wanted to cry, but he couldn’t make a fool of himself. “Hans, take him out of here” he made a move with his hand indicating the exit and the buff guy did as told. Then the attention was laid on me again. “And there’s one left” he stood up and walked to my side and sat on the couch. I had to admit that I was scared. I wasn’t as strong as Luke or Ashton. And of course I was way weaker than him. “You seem nervous, Harry

“How do you know my name?” I asked not even looking at him. I suddenly felt his thin and strong finger on my face, once again forcing me to look at him. Green met blue and I shivered.

“I’m the one who makes questions here, curly” he clicked his tongue and examined my face once more. “What are you good at?”

“What do you mean?” I stuttered. Why did he have to be so mean? Where were Luke and Ashton? Was I going to be able to see them again?

“What did you enjoy to do the most back there?” he asked again.

“Cooking” I answered “I also lik-“

“I said ‘what did you enjoy the most’; don’t tell me your life. I don’t give a fuck” He stood up and walked to the desk looking in its drawers. “Here” he took out a kind of formulary and sat at the desk. “Okay, curly. I think you’ll be good working in the farms or… way better. You could be my personal chef. “ Oh right. I had to work for him… Well, hell to the no.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea” I stated without looking at him.

“Excuse me?” his voice was harsh and I felt all of me shaking. “Oh” he sweetened his tone “Maybe you could… come with me, to the missions”

“Really?” I asked still scared.

“Never in a million years, you dump shit” He ran to me and put his face in front of mine. I could smell his minty breath. We were so close we could have even kissed. But, I wasn’t going to do that. He scared the shit out of me and he looked straight as a rule. “Don’t you ever tell me what to do again. Got it?”

“Yes, sir” I nodded. Really, Harry? Sir?

“Okay. Go to your bedroom or whatever. Get out of my sight” Mean. He thought he’s in control, but he couldn’t understand how much he was wrong. I stood up and made my way out to the streets. Luckily, I spotted Jack sitting on some stairs.

“Jack! Jack!” I shouted running to his side and sat next to him. Then I noticed his pink wet cheeks and puffy red eyes. “What’s wrong?” I asked putting a hand on his thigh making him look at me.

“It’s Alex” he pouted and started crying harder, covering his face with his hands.

“Hey, it’s alright” I caressed his leg trying to make him feel better. But I was just a kid, trying to make a grown lad to feel better about something I didn’t know about.

“No, it isn’t!” He screamed. “He took him away from me”


“Louis.” Louis? How? Why? “We’re supposed to keep quiet and not to confront him. Alex did, defending you. So I guess that he called security, because-“ he didn’t finish his sentence, he started sobbing uncontrollably “They were so many! I could have done something to keep him next to me!” he screamed and hugged me, crying on my shoulder and making my hoodie wet. He hiccupped shaking and trembling uncontrollably. I guessed Alex was really important for him. I wondered if I ever felt so much love and care towards a person. No, I never did.

“Is he…” I didn’t want to finish the sentence. I wanted to know if he was alive, but it could be a delicate topic.

“Yeah, he’s alive. But I don’t know where he is. Louis could have taken him to wherever. I need to find him, but I don’t feel to well. Could you… make me this favor and help me looking for him?” I was awestruck. He was so cute wanting Alex to be safe. But I was scared of doing something I didn’t have to. What if Louis got angry? What if they had cameras? Oh, wait. Where were Luke and Ash? Maybe helping Jack I could find them too…


Thoughts? I know, not much happens in the chapters I write... But it's my way if writing so... yeah! :)

Dedicated to @Larry_Lashton because she read this and her fanfics are actually the best I've ever read :")

A Love Like War (Larry Stylinson) AUWhere stories live. Discover now