Chapter 9

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Sorry for the long wait! We've both been busy :( Hope you enjoy this chapter!

The week after talking to Pierre seemed to last forever. Camila hardly couldn't wait to go to Monaco as she was already missing Lewis and talking to him. Luckily, today is the day she flies out to Monaco, which means she'll see Lewis soon.

She'll see him. For the first time. With everything that's going on, Camila almost forgot she and Lewis had never met before. Even though they've haven't really been talking for that long, it feels like they know each other quite well. Or at least to her it does.

What if he's not happy to see her? What if he doesn't want to talk to her? She, or actually Javier, was really mean, but Lewis doesn't know it wasn't her. So how on earth is she supposed to convince him?

at the airport yet?

yeah, just getting onto the airplane now


you have no idea

don't worry, it's gonna work out just fine
everything is all set here, so I'll see you soon!


thank you so much, again

thank me when you and Lewis have made up ;)

Camila smiles as she switched her phone to airplane mode, still wanting to be able to listen to music. Making up with Lewis, that's the goal. Now she just has to reach it.

A bit nervous, Camila walks up to the entrance of the paddock. She got to Monaco yesterday and today FP1 & FP2 are planned. Pierre told Camila today would be the best time to talk to Lewis as he needs to focus way more when there's qualifying or the race.

"Name?" a security guard asks Camila when she reaches the paddock entrance.

"Camila Palomo, Pierre Gasly invited me," Camila replies and the guard goes through the list and nods before handing her a paddock pass.

"Enjoy," he says before letting her through. Camila smiles at him before walking into the paddock. As she has no idea where to go, she just started walking slowly, taking it all in whilst hoping she runs into Pierre.

i'm here :)

where are you? i'll come get you

just walked in

on my way!

Camila waits patiently for Pierre to show up when she realizes he probably doesn't know what she looks like. She looks around and spots the driver, dressed in Toro Rosso team clothing. She smiles as she sees him grabbing his phone.

so i'm here but i realized idk what you look like

Camila giggles and walks over to the French driver, who's still looking at his phone.

"Well, like this," she says, making Pierre look up surprised.

"Camila?" he asks, just to be sure.

"That's me!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Pierre," the driver says as he leans closer to Camila to give her a kiss on each cheek. The French and their kisses.

"Nice to meet you too!"

"How was your flight?" Pierre asks as they start walking.

"Pretty good, nothing crazy."

"That's great! So, you wanna meet Lewis now or after FP1?" Pierre asks suddenly, which catches Camila off guard.


"Yeah, there's still some time before FP1."

"He won't mind?"

"Only one way to find out," Pierre says before pulling Camila along to the Mercedes hospitality unit. Pierre quickly goes inside to ask where Lewis is before coming back out and pulling Camila with him.

"Where are we going?" Camila asks.

"Lewis' private room."

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