Taylor Goes to Kindergarten

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A/N: ok this is the longest chapter I've written so far, 4254 words, bare with me, don't be intimidated, happy reading!

Annabeth's POV

"Mommy, are you ready! Get up, get up. It's time for school, it's time for school, it's time for school! Oh boy oh boy oh boy!" Taylor jumped up and down on our bed.

"Uh Taylor, what time is it?" I groaned, Percy had to leave for work early this morning, he's got a big conference for the next few days.

"It's time for school, oh boy oh boy! Whoa!" I heard Taylor gasp.

I sat bolt upright, "Taylor!"

"I'm ok mommy." Taylor sat up on the pile of pillows next to the bed. She must've jumped off by mistake.

"All right, Tay, I'm up. Go brush your teeth and hair, then get breakfast ready. I'll get the others up." I swung my legs over the bed.

"Okie dokie. You take a deep breath as you walk through the doors it's the morning of your very first day." Taylor sang as she skipped out of my room.

"Mom, tell Taylor she's being too loud." Charlie hissed as he appeared in the doorway.

"Sorry Charlie, it's her first day, she's excited, you were too. Everyone was."

"But I wasn't that loud." I heard Luke groan as he appeared behind his brother. His wavy blonde hair was messy like Percy's is in the morning.

"Mommy, where are my pink shoes? Penny and I are planning on wearing our best friends shirt, jean shorts and pink shoes." I heard Silena ask, she'd brushed her jet black hair and pulled it into a pony tail.

"They should be downstairs in the mud room honey." I told her.

"Ok thanks mommy." Silena darted through her brothers at the doorway.

"Girls are so gross." Charlie commented.

Luke snickered in response, he was starting fifth grade this year. I still couldn't believe he'd be going to middle school next year, where did the time go? "Mom, what time does the bus come?"

"7:40, all of you get dressed, where's Zoe?"

"Sleeping, somehow." Luke yawned.

"Yeah, the lucky one." Charlie moaned.

"Boys that's enough, you all were super excited for your first day of school. Luke, you were bouncing off the walls and Charlie, you spent forever the night before picking out your outfit. Taylor has every right to be excited, now go get dressed." I snapped.

The boys mumbled and slumped away to their rooms, I changed into a black pantsuit with a white blouse and shiny black shoes, before I awoke Zoe. "Hey, it's time to get up." I tapped her shoulder.

"School?" Zoe mumbled.

"Yes it's the first day of third grade, aren't you excited?" I smiled big.

"I wanna sleep." Zoe sighed and pulled the covers over herself.

"Zoe, it's time for school, whether you want to go or not. Now get up, let's go. Everyone else is ready, Taylor is very excited."

"Well I'm not. School is dumb, we learn the same things everyday. What's one plus one? How do you spell because? It's pointless, I want to stay at camp year round, and learn things that actually matter." Zoe whined.

"Zoe Thalia Jackson, I don't care if you hate school or not, you're going and that's that. Now come on, don't you want to see your friends?"

"Ugh, fine, I'll get up." Zoe hissed, I took a step back, she gave me a menacing glare, when did she learn to do that?

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