Chapter 20- Out In The Open

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His Fake Girlfriend

Chapter 20- Out In The Open

"Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they'll notice. If they don't, you know where you stand with them."- Unknown


Sky's POV

It was time to say our final goodbyes. We've been trying to leave for a good half an hour but it hasn't been successful. Conversations would come up, questions and what not. Though I couldn't get my last admiration glance of Peter, I settled for the phone call which Maura put on speaker phone telling Jeremy and I goodbye. Jeremy promised to be home in a month only if they could do something epic of summer vacation while he's here. Maura agreed sparing a glance at me as Julia asked if I'd visit in the summer. Jeremy and I simultaneously responded with "We'll see” and left it at that.

Jeremy made sure I went to the bathroom before we walked out the door. I was slightly embarrassed since he was treating me like a child but I understood the precaution. I was taken by surprised, when I was exiting the bathroom and making my way to the front door, when Jill stopped me alone in the hallway with her.

"I know you and my brother aren't really dating," Jill said off the bat bluntly, "But he's told me he really does like you. I just thought you should know. In case you actually thought he's a good actor in pretending. You'll come to realize he's not." Stating this to me seriously. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

 I wasn't really surprised by her statement. I do know Jeremy likes me, but in the beginning I thought he only liked me because we're spending so much time together or he was just saying that. But now that Jill confirmed it, saying that Jeremy actually told her himself, well, maybe it wasn't fake after all. If he told his sister then it must be serious. The thing is, I still don't know how I stand being in an actual real relationship with Jeremy. I know the saying goes "don't knock it till you try it" and that I should give it a shot, but unlike many other people I feel uncomfortable to just put my heart out on the line when I'm not so certain that I want to be in a relationship. I want to be in a relationship when I'm comfortable. What I'm trying to say is, I'm not comfortable with going out with Jeremy knowing he does fake dates. I don't want him to go out on fake dates if we're dating. It's one of the many personal things I don't feel comfortable about.

"T-thanks Jill." I say to her with a grin.

"Well do you like him back?" Jill asks, crossing her arms over her chest defensively.

"It's kind of complicated." I admit to her, Kate Johns ended up popping up in my head. There's that problem too.

"What's so complicated? If you like him and he likes you, well then you try it out. If it works it works. If it doesn't it doesn't." She explain with a shrug of her shoulders.

"You make it sound like it’s so easy and problem free." I chuckle lightly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear nervously.

"You're worried about him fake dating aren't you?" She whispers, looking like she understood a bit more. I nodded my head slowly, pressing my lips together. She shrugs her shoulders, "Then tell him. It's like a test. If he likes you that much as he says he does he'll stop the fake dating."

"I feel wrong to ask him that. He does that for you guys. If I ask him to stop that I feel like he'd be angry with me. I don't want to change him. That why I think he needs a girl that will accept that from him. I'm just not that girl." I tell her honestly.

"Sky, no girl is going to date a guy where she can't be all his. If she has to share him with other girl it's not going to last long or it's just not going to happen. No girl will be OK with that. If Jeremy thinks he can find a girl like that will accept that, then he better not hold his breath." She tells me with a disappointed look. I agree with her and keep what she said in mind.

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